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“Well, yeah. It’s only me. Never really had the need for a bigger place.”

“But you drive that older SUV that is clearly not in great shape.”

“It just needs a new radiator.”

“And you’re going to do the work yourself if it’s too expensive? Why wouldn’t you just pay someone to do it if you have the money?”

“Because I’m not like you. I know how important it is to have a nice emergency fund just in case.”

“I know how important that is.”

“Not in the same way that I do. You know it because you can think logically about it and realize that yes, it’s important to have money put away for a rainy day like if a heel breaks on your favorite pumps and you need to go out and buy a new pair. You don’t get what it’s like to really need money and not have it. You don’t know what it's like to have to decide whether you’ll pay to keep your lights on or pay to fix a broken car because you only have enough money for one or the other. That’s how it was for us once my father died.”

“I didn’t know. Why didn’t you tell us that you were struggling? My father could have helped you and your mother.”

“Because she didn’t want anyone to know. He helped us pay our house payment to make sure we had a place to live and eventually he did get my mom a job working at one of his legitimate places, but there was a time before that, where we didn’t always know where our next meal would come from.”

“So now that you have money...”

“I’m not stingy but if it’s something I can do myself, I’m not going to throw money away paying someone else to do it. I’d rather send the extra money to help my mom a little more.”

“That’s sweet.”

“Yeah, well...don’t tell anyone, okay? I still have a reputation to maintain.” I smiled, trying to lighten the mood and Mira smiled back.

“Your secret is safe with me.”


We finished eating, then quickly packed the few things we had with us and checked out. We managed to hitch a ride to the auto shop with one of the other lodgers who was already going in that direction.

The shop was small, but fairly professional looking. As we got closer to the shop, I could hear the banging and clanging of tools but there was no sign of anyone working.

“Ciao? Anyone here?” Luca asked in a raised but friendly voice.

A man rolled out from under a car, stood, and brushed himself off. “Ciao, how can I help you two?”

“My SUV broke down about a mile or so down the road. It looks like the radiator’s busted, and I was hoping that you might have the part in stock that I could buy from you.”

“You’re just looking to buy the part?”

“Yeah. I know how to do the work myself so I’m just in need of the radiator.”

“Are you a mechanic?”

“No. Just good with my hands.”

The man nodded thoughtfully. “Are you two from around here?”

“No. Just passing through.” Luca’s shoulders tensed as he answered questions. It was a subtle change, but I was afraid that if I had picked up on it, that the man had as well.

The man’s voice remained casual, but he studied us both a little harder. “Where are you two from?”

“We’re from around the Turin area.”

“Wow. What brings you out this far?”

“Just picking up a gift for a friend.” With each question, my heart raced a little faster, wondering if the man was just curious or if he was suspicious of us.
