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“That’s nice of you.”

“So, were you going to be able to check on that part?”

“Oh, of course. I just need to go check inside. You two want to come in? I’ve got coffee on.”

“No, thank you. We’ll just wait here.”

“Okay. I’ll be back in a minute.”

He walked inside but time seemed to drag on as we waited for him to come back out.

“Should it take this long to find a part?”

Luca shrugged. “Depends on how unorganized he is with his parts.”

“I guess that makes sense.” We waited in tense silence, but it didn’t take long for my nerves to have me talking again. “I just feel like he’s been gone a long time.”

“Yeah, maybe I should go check—"

Just then, two cars pulled up at the same time. I glanced from them to Luca who looked worried. He stepped partially in front of me as three men climbed out of the cars.

“Go, hide,” he whispered in an urgent tone.


“Those are Fabbri’s men. Go.”

“But what about you?”

“Mira, don’t ask questions, just go.”

His short, tense words left no room to argue. I ran into the garage bay and crouched behind a large toolbox and a large tire display, barely able to see Luca from my vantage point.

“What’s one of Venturi’s lackeys doing this far outside of your territory?” The man leading the others asked in a challenging tone.

“I don’t want any trouble. My car just broke down otherwise I never would have even stopped.”

“How do we know that’s true? How do we know that you weren’t up to something and just happened to have car trouble?”

“Because I’m telling you that I’m not and I’m not a liar.”

The man scoffed. “All Venturi’s are lying scum. Our boss made it pretty clear that he didn’t want any of you on his property.”

“And as much as he doesn’t want me here, I swear I don’t want to be here even more.” Luca tried to keep his tone calm, but I could hear his cool exterior wavering.

I wanted to run to him and try to help but he’d told me to hide for a reason. Maybe having the don’s sister with him wouldn’t seem as innocent. Or maybe the don’s sister would be too much leverage for them to pass up. Either way, I thought it best to wait like Luca had told me to, at least until I saw more.

“I think we need to teach this Venturi slime to stay out of our territory. What do you guys think?”

The guys casually revealed baseball bats and a crowbar from inside their cars as they shut the doors and started to close in around Luca.

“I don’t think that’s necessary.” Luca still remained calm, but fear had my ears muffled and my heart racing.

The leader of the men struck Luca in the stomach with the crowbar and Luca doubled over. One of the other men hit him in the back with the baseball bat, causing him to crumple to the ground.

“Luca,” I cried out and jumped up from my hiding spot to rush to help him when the mechanic showed up out of nowhere with a large wrench in his hand. He blocked me from moving, holding an arm out and wrapping it around my waist just enough to push me back into the little cubby where I’d been hiding.

“I think it’s best if you stay out of this one and let them handle it.”
