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I gave her a small peck on the cheek before heading for the door, only stopping long enough to say my farewell to Teo and the other men gathered with him.

"Luca!" I had barely made it down the front steps when Mira called out to me from the front door.

I whirled around in response. Hope that she was going to ask me to stay crossed my mind before I saw the worry on her face. I climbed the stairs two at a time back to her. "What's wrong?"

"It's Mia. She's in labor. Teo asked me to stop you. We're heading to the hospital, and he wants you there."

"Of course." I grabbed Mira's arm, and we rushed back inside to see what we could do to help.

We hurried through the entryway toward the parlor when Stefano stepped out.

"Mira, I was just coming to look for you."

"Can you believe it? Mia's going to have the baby. I got home just in time. I'm so glad that I didn't miss it," Mia said excitedly.

I wanted to leave but they blocked my way to Teo.

"It is an exciting day for your family." Stefano smiled but there was something in his eyes when he looked at Mira that left me unsettled.

"You'll come with us to the hospital won't you? Having babies usually takes a while and I'd love your company."

"Unfortunately, I have some business that I need to take care of. Go on ahead and I promise that I will come as soon as I'm able."

Mira's expression fell for just a moment before she forced a smile. "Of course. I'll see you soon."

Stefano kissed her gently on the forehead. The moment felt too intimate and left me feeling uncomfortable for watching so I did my best to turn my gaze away, but I was seething inside that he touched her at all.

As soon as Mira stepped back from Stefano, I took her arm. "We shouldn't keep them waiting," I spoke softly to her, and she nodded before I pulled her away but not before catching the icy glare that Stefano cast at me before stepping outside.

Chapter 2


I sat in the waiting room of the hospital's maternity ward, excitedly bouncing my knees as we waited for word from the doctors.

Luca and Enzo had stayed behind to make sure that all the guests were taken care of before they joined the rest of us in our private waiting room.

Sienna and Arman were the family doctors but neither of them specialized in obstetrics so they would be acting as assistants to the best obstetrician my brother could find. Mia was in good hands, but I couldn't help the conflicting excitement and a hint of worry.

Aurora sat to my right while my father, Nic, and Alessandro stood gathered on the other side of the room.

I was too excited to even be annoyed by the fact that Stefano hadn't come with me.

Luca and Enzo rushed in, and I stood as they approached.

"Hey, any word?" Luca gave me a quick hug and I couldn't help the desire for it to last just a little longer than it did but that wouldn't be appropriate.

"Nothing yet."

"I'm sure everything is going fine. These things take a while from what Sienna has told me," Alessandro said calmly.

I nodded as did the others. Just then, Sienna came through the double doors, making a beeline for us. My father and the others joined.

"Is everything okay?" I held my breath and waited for her answer.

"There was a complication. Mia started hemorrhaging so they are having to take her in for an emergency C-section."
