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"Oh God..." I choked on my prayer for their safety.

Luca wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me in tight. "She's in good hands. The best. Mia and the baby will be fine," he whispered into my hair.

"I hope you're right." I gazed up at him, taking comfort in his embrace and the reassuring smile he offered.

"How's Teo?" our father asked as he stepped forward.

"He's hanging in there. Worried, of course. They tried to make him leave the room, but he refused."

Luca let out a single chuckle and I shook my head. "That sounds like my brother."

"I need to get back in there. I just wanted to let you all know what's going on.

"Thank you, Sienna." I gently squeezed her hand in thanks before she hurried back.

I turned to return to my seat when Luca stopped me, using a crooked finger to lift my gaze gently to his.

"They're both going to be okay, Mia and the baby."

"I'm just so worried." I let out a heavy sigh and my shoulders slumped.

Luca pulled me to his chest, and I relished the warmth of his embrace. It was just what I needed to center me in the middle of all the chaos and worry.

A throat cleared somewhere behind me, and I jumped away from Luca to see Stefano carrying several coffees. "I thought everyone could use a little caffeine right about now. I'm sorry for being late but I had some very important business that couldn't wait."

He glanced from me to Luca with some uncertainty, as if trying to figure out if what he had walked in on was anything to worry about. He stepped closer to me and offered us a small smile that didn't reach his eyes. "How are things with Mia and the baby coming along?"

"Not so good. We just found out they had to take her in for an emergency c-section."

"I'm so sorry." Stefano sat the coffee on a small table. He pulled me to him and wrapped his arms around me.

I felt awkward having him hold me the same way Luca had just been but was soon interrupted by my father’s voice.

“Stefano.” My father’s tone was quiet but pleased.

Stefano pulled away from me gently, leaving one arm wrapped around my shoulder, unafraid to show his affection in front of my family. “Don Piero, I am so sorry to hear about the complications.” He offered my father his hand and they shook.

“Thank you for being here. I’m glad that my little girl has someone to look out for her and be here at a time like this.”

“It’s my pleasure. I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.” Stefano kissed the top of my head and pulled me a little tighter to his side.

An uneasy feeling as if someone was watching us drew my attention from their conversation. I looked up to catch Luca’s glare from across the room and it made me squirm. I gently pulled myself away from Stefano’s side, feeling awkward under Luca’s watchful eye.

He looked down at me with puzzled concern and I forced a smile. "We should get everyone their coffee and find a seat."

Stefano nodded and smiled softly at me.

Time passed slowly. Mia's pregnancy had not been without a few complications, and I was worried for her and the baby, but there was also an added tension between Stefano and Luca.

I sat beside Stefano, nervously wringing my hands and staring at the geometric shapes on the floor. He placed his hand on my back, rubbing in small circles as a silent comfort.

“Are you alright, amore mio?”

“I’m okay.” I looked up at him and forced a smile. “Just worried about Mia and the baby.”

“I wish there was more that I could do for you.”

I smiled weakly, not having to fake that time as I sat up and leaned my head against his shoulder. “Just you being here is enough.”
