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The next thing I knew, Giulietta and Alessia were dropping me onto another leather sofa just like the one we’d left. I could barely lift my head to look around, seeing a VIP section identical to ours but there were other people there—people I didn’t know.

“What are we doing? I thought we were going to get some air.”

“We are. I just wanted to stop by to see some friends of mine first,” Giulietta’s blurred figure leaned over to what looked like a masculine form. I could barely make out her words. “Take good care of her, Cassio. And make sure to take lots of pictures.”

“Oh, we will,” the deep, sinister voice rumbled darkly, and a strong arm wrapped around my waist.

“What—” I tried to speak but my head spun like I was riding a tilt-a-whirl. I reached out for the couch again, but the man pulled me to him, forcing his lips against mine and shoving his tongue into my mouth.

It took every bit of the energy I had to shove him away, but I felt like I was trying to move through mud.

“This one’s still got a bit of fight in her.”

“I like that, but we might want to move this party to a more private VIP area before we go any further.” Another man spoke.

There was a third man’s voice I didn’t recognize. “I’ll go see what they’ve got available.”

“Hurry back. I can’t wait to get my hands on her.”

Male voices flooded my ears, but my eyes were too heavy to open. I slumped against the couch, resting my head against the arm of the sofa as the voices grew further away. A small voice inside me yelled to get up, to run, to scream. I was in a club full of people, but I couldn’t get my mind and my body to cooperate. I fumbled at the top of my dress, pulling my phone from my bra and barely managed to dial the only number I could think of to call.

“Mira?” Luca’s concerned voice came over the line.


“Mira? Is that you?”

“Luca, I…”

“What’s wrong?”

“I don’t feel right. I drank...Something’s not right.”

“Mira, where are you?”

“A club. I don’t know.”

“I’m tracking your phone. Stay where you are. I’m coming to get you.”

“Hurry,” my words slurred, and the phone slipped from my hands as my world went black.

I wasn’t sure how long I was out, but I was slightly roused from my slumber when two strong arms wrapped around my waist and hoisted me to my feet.

“Luca?” I mumbled but I wasn’t sure if my lips actually made the sound.

“Come on, bella. It’s time we go somewhere more comfortable,” the lascivious voice was hot against my ear as I stumbled to my feet.

I staggered into a dimly lit room and the pounding music was muffled with the shutting of a heavy door. I stumbled, nearly falling as one man passed me to another and suddenly I was freefalling only to be stopped by a plush pillowtop mattress.

Alarm bells sounded in my head as hands began to grope my breasts and thighs, tugging on my dress. I tried to swing my fists and kick my legs, but it was as if they were made of lead.

I opened my mouth to speak but words wouldn’t come out as a hot tear ran down from the corner of my eye. I shook my head and forced a quiet “no” from my lips, but the men just chuckled.

My body sagged with exhaustion as I used the last bit of energy. Darkness threatened to overtake me but just before the abyss sucked me in there was a loud, slamming sound in the distance followed by yelling that I couldn’t understand.

Again, I was lifted. Strong arms held me against a rock-hard chest in a bridal carry. A familiar woodsy smell comforted me, and I allowed myself to relax into the warm embrace as I was carried out of the club and into the cool night air.

Chapter 11
