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“Yeah, I bet you’ve got some stories.” Giulietta leaned in curiously. “Ever done anything really wild?”

“Oh, me and my college friends used to tear up the clubs in America on the weekends. We gave new meaning to work hard, play harder.”

“I want to hear one of the wildest,” Alessia sounded intrigued.

“Yeah. Do tell,” Giulietta encouraged.

I ran through my wilder days in my head, back from the early days of college before I calmed down more, trying to think of which night would impress my new friends the most.

“Okay,” I said hesitantly but before I could continue, the waitress interrupted with our order.

“Here you are. Eight lemon drops and one bottle of water.”

“Thank you.” I reached for the bottle, but Giulietta plucked it from the waitress’s tray before I could. “Uh-uh. Not until you tell us.”

“On second thought, I probably shouldn’t bore you guys with my stories. I’m sure I haven’t done half the things you three have.”

“Maybe that’s true and after a few more drinks, maybe we’ll even tell you some.” Giulietta smirked and picked up a shot glass, holding it in the air. “Cin cin.”

I smiled and shook my head ruefully before picking up a shot glass as well. “Cin cin.”

The others followed and we all took a shot. I drank a few large gulps of water before they were ready for their next shot.

“Come on, just one more.”

“Alright, alright. Gimme.” I held out my hand and Giulietta handed me a shot glass.

“To new friends and a night we’ll never forget,” she cheered excitedly.

“I’ll toast to that.” I grinned and downed my shot.

“Speaking of never forgetting, we should take some pictures to commemorate the night.” Francesca pulled out her cellphone.

She and Alessia squeezed onto the couch with Giulietta and me. We smiled for the camera, took another with kissing faces, another with sexy pouts, taking time in between to laugh at ourselves in each.

After a short photoshoot, the festivities of the night began to catch up with me as the couch subtly swayed beneath me.

“Whoa.” I blinked, placing my hand on the arm of the couch to brace myself.

“You okay?” Francesca stopped taking pictures and looked at me.

“Yeah. I guess it’s just been a while since I’ve partied like this. It seems to be catching up with me.” Another wave hit me, and I gripped the couch with both hands as I felt like it was being pulled out from under me.

“That just goes to show you how much you needed this tonight,” Giulietta said happily, seeming oblivious to the rollercoaster ride the couch had become.

I rubbed my hand over my face, suddenly feeling way too hot, the music way too loud.

“I think I need some fresh air.” I staggered to my feet and glanced around for an exit sign, but everything was blurry.

I stumbled, unable to keep my footing and Giulietta rushed to my side. “Whoa, you’re okay. I’ve got you. Let me help.”


“Alessia, why don’t you help me with her.”

“Sure.” Alessia hurried over and placed my other arm around her shoulders to help support me.

“We’ll get you fixed right up,” Giulietta said as she helped me from our VIP section.
