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I wasn’t sure how long I ran but eventually, my legs felt as if they might collapse from the exertion. Unable to go any farther, I leaned against a large tree, lowering myself to sit on the massive roots at its base.

I was just starting to catch my breath when the sound of a twig snapping grabbed my attention. I sat up, pressing closer to the tree to hide myself and glanced from one side to the other but there was nothing. My mind was playing tricks on me.

You’ve rested long enough. You have to keep moving.

I forced myself up onto my aching legs, unable to run, I walked slowly through the woods, reminding myself that every step took me farther away from the house in the woods.

Another twig snapped and I froze, listening and throwing my head from one side to the other in search of the source of the sound. Just as I started to turn the other way, a large hand slapped over my mouth, muffling the scream that tore from my throat.

I fought with all my strength as an arm snaked around my shoulders pulling my back against a chest that might as well have been made of marble. I kicked and thrashed around but a familiar voice shushed close to my ear, and I froze.


I quieted and he loosened his grip enough so that I could turn in his arms to face him.

“Luca,” I breathed out the word in relief. “What’s going on?”

“I’ll explain everything, but we need to get you out of here.” He grabbed my bicep and started pulling me through the woods, but I pulled back.

“No, I need to know what’s going on. Where are the other girls? This wasn’t what we planned.”

A shadow fell over his face that sent a cold shiver down my spine. “This wasn’t what you planned. But this was the plan for me all along.”

“What are you talking about? We had a plan for us to escape tonight.”

“Do you really think that the small amount of fear and humiliation that those girls have been through is enough to pay for what they nearly did to you?”

His words hit me like a punch to the gut and I took a step back. “Luca, what have you done?”

“You were the only one meant to escape tonight. You were never supposed to be there to begin with, but I couldn’t let you ruin everything that I’d already put into motion.”

“You lied to me.”

“I did what I had to. I was very careful with my words. I never said that I would let the girls go. I just told you what you were supposed to do, and you played your part perfectly. Now they will never suspect you. They will just know that you escaped when you had the chance, and they weren’t able to get away.”

My stomach dropped. “You can’t be serious. You aren’t actually going to sell those girls, are you?”

Luca scowled and took a step closer. “Is that what you truly think of me? After all of our history, you think I’m the type of monster who would sell girls?”

“I’m not sure that I know you at all after all of this. I never thought you’d be capable of kidnapping either but here we are.” A flash of hurt on Luca’s face was quickly covered by anger.

He looked more determined than ever. “It’s what they deserve, but no. I would never do that. Not really, but I’m going to make them think that they are. They will be allowed to escape, but not until I am sure that they have truly learned their lesson.”

“No. Luca, we have to go back and let them go. This has gone too far.” I turned and started back toward the house, but Luca grabbed my arm.

“You go back now, and you’ll blow all our covers, and expose your family’s part in this. Now come on. We are almost to the jet. You’re going home and forgetting this whole thing.” He gave a sharp tug and dragged me through the woods away from the house.

“Luca, no.” I fought against his grip, and he stopped.

“This is what I do. Let me do my job and protect you and your family. You have more important things to focus on now, Mira.” He glanced down at my belly, and I lifted my hand to cover where my tiny little baby was growing.

He was right. I needed to protect my baby and my family. Reluctantly, I allowed him to lead me to the tarmac where our private jet waited to take me home.

Chapter 20


Just over a week since my return from Milan and I'd yet to have a restful night's sleep. I worried about what might be happening and felt guilty that I was home, safe in my bed, while Giulietta and the others could still be locked in those cages for all I knew.
