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I hadn't heard from Luca since the night he put me on my family’s jet. I tried calling him once I was home, but it went straight to voicemail. Stefano mentioned briefly that Giulietta had texted him that she and the other girls were extending their shopping trip and that she was sorry I couldn't stay longer.

My only suspicion was that Luca had texted from her phone so she wouldn't be missed for a while.

I sat out on the back patio with a sweet pastry and cup of decaf coffee when Mia came outside holding little Elio.

"Ciao, good morning.” I forced a smile and tried to push thoughts of Luca from my mind.

“Good morning. Are we interrupting your peace?”

“Not at all. May I?” I sat my coffee cup on the table and motioned to Elio.

Mia smiled, passing him to me. “He loves his zia.”

“Well, I’m pretty fond of this little man, too.”

“You’re good with him.” I smiled weakly but it was more genuine than the last. “You’re going to be a great mom someday.”

“I hope so.”

“You haven’t talked to him yet, have you?”

“Huh? Who?” Her question snapped me out of the thoughts of Luca, and I wondered why she asked if I’d talked to him. Is there something she knows about where he is or what he’s doing?

“Stefano.” Her brow furrowed and she looked at me curiously. “You haven’t told him yet, have you?”

“Told him what?” I looked from Elio to her, searching for an explanation.

“That you’re pregnant.”

“How did you—”

“You’ve been sleeping more, skipping meals, and Lucia said that you recently switched to decaf. I knew that you wouldn’t give up caffeine for any other reason.” Mia smiled fondly.

I let out a sigh and nodded, knowing that everyone was going to find out eventually. “And no, I haven’t told him yet.”

“Are you worried about how he’ll react when you do?”

“A little. I mean, we get along great, and he talks about a future with me, but this all happened a little fast.”

“Take it from someone who has had a lot of twists thrown in her path, sometimes things don’t happen at the exact time or way that you expect them to, but that doesn’t mean that the path you're on won’t still lead you to a wonderful place.”

I nodded thoughtfully. “You’re right. I guess I should get it over with instead of just worrying about it.”

I could feel the shadows of doubt and worry fading away as I thought about making a move, about telling Stefano, and having a direct path ahead. Sitting around waiting and wondering about everything was just adding to my anxiety. I needed to move forward and that included telling Stefano about the baby. No matter how he responded to the news, he needed to know.

In just six days I would be eight weeks along, which was when all the pregnancy websites said that I needed to go in for my first prenatal appointment. I was going to be a mom and it was time that I started focusing on that, which meant being responsible and telling the father of my child.

As if on cue, Stefano walked out onto the patio. “I hope that I’m not interrupting. Bianca said that you were out here.”

“You’re not interrupting at all,” Mia said with a smile.

He walked over and bent down to kiss me on the top of the head.

“Stefano, what are you doing back?”

“I had some business to take care of and wanted to surprise you.”

“I was actually just about to take Eli in for a diaper change.” Mia stood and gave me a meaningful look as I handed Eli back to her and mouthed the words ‘tell him.’
