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“She does. Or at least she did before I rejected her for fear of disrespecting you.” A sharp pang of guilt stabbed in my gut.

“My sister is a strong, stubborn woman. She won’t let you off the hook for that for a long time, but she is also a loyal and loving woman. If she gave you her heart once, she wouldn’t take it back easily. But why didn’t you come to me sooner, once you knew that the feelings were mutual?”

“I was afraid that you would see it as disrespect. You are more than my don, more than my best friend, even. You are my brother.”

“You didn’t think that I, of all people, would understand loving someone you shouldn’t? The man who was in love with his brother’s fiancée?”

“Oh.” The realization left me nearly speechless. “I didn’t really think of that.”

Teo glanced down at his watch and came back to me. “We need to hurry. You need to talk to Mira before it’s too late.”

“You’re really okay with this?” I stood there in shock.

“Obviously it’s up to my sister who she is with, but I think she deserves to know all her options, don’t you?”


“Then let’s go. You’ll ride with us.”

Teo and I nearly ran out to the waiting limo. The driver opened the back door, and we jumped inside to find a surprised looking Mia.

“Is everything okay?” Mia glanced between the two of us for an explanation.

Teo leaned in and kissed her lips, but she didn’t have time to return the kiss in her shocked state. “You were right. I was wrong.”

“Of course, I was. About what exactly?” Mia cast each of us a perplexed glance.

“I’m in love with Mira,” I confessed to Mia who grinned. “And I’m going to the church to confess it to her before it’s too late.”

“It’s about time.” Mia beamed at me, and I couldn’t help the grin that took over my face.

The ride to the church dragged on as I eagerly awaited our arrival. The moment we pulled up to the church, I jumped out of the car and ran for the side door. I needed to find Mira and I wasn’t about to wait through the line of guests slowly being corralled into the sanctuary.

I checked a couple of rooms before finally bursting into one where a stunned Mira stood in front of a full-length mirror in her beautiful, lace wedding dress.

“Luca, what are you doing here?”

“I needed to talk to you.” I hurried inside and bolted the door behind me, but Mira scowled at me.

“There’s not much more to say.”

I rushed to her, eagerly taking her hands in mine. “Mira, I love you.”

“That doesn’t change anything. You made it clear to me that it didn’t matter how you felt. We couldn’t be together.”

“I told Teo about us.”

“You did?”

I nodded. “Well, I kept it pretty G rated, but yeah. I told him that I love you and that you felt the same way about me. He brought me here so that I could tell you how I feel. Don’t marry Costa. You belong with me, not him.”

Mira’s hopeful expression faded into one of pain and despair as she released my hands and turned away from me.

“It’s too late.”

“No, it’s not too late.” I took the two paces to her and forced her to turn to face me. “Didn’t you hear me? I told Teo. He’s okay with us being together. I told him that I love you more than my life itself and I meant every word.”

“How could you want to be with me? I’m carrying another man’s baby.”
