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“I’ll admit that I was shocked when you told me, and I didn’t react well.”

“That’s an understatement,” she said dryly.

“But I’ve had time to realize that I can love that baby. I was thinking of him or her as Costa’s baby, but what I failed to consider at the time was that it is also your baby and there is no way in any scenario that I couldn’t love something that came from you. I will love that child with all my heart just as I love his mama.” I placed one hand gently on her still flat belly, knowing that every word I spoke was true.

Tears sprang to Mira’s eyes and for a moment, I thought I’d finally reached her, but her face fell, and she took a step back, swiping away the tears with her hand.

She took a deep breath and shook her head gently. “It's too late, Luca. You’re too late. I’m marrying Stefano.”

“You can’t be serious. Mira, after everything we’ve gone through, the whole, winding path that it took for us to get here, and you’re just giving up on us when we are so close to having everything we’ve ever wanted?”

“I thought that I loved you once upon a time but that was just puppy love. It was a childhood infatuation that I thought was real before I knew better. Whatever it was that we had, it’s in the past now. My future is with Stefano.” Her declaration was like a dagger being plunged into my chest.

“No. Mira, you are making a mistake.” I grabbed her by her bicep and pulled her to me, urgency building in my chest as I felt my future with Mira slipping away.

I leaned in to kiss her, desperately needing to remind her how good we were together. I had to make her see that we were destined to be together, but her hand came up fast, striking me with a loud clap across the cheek.

Stunned, I released her and took a step back, feeling my desperation fade into something much sadder as I saw our story ending before it ever had a chance to start.

My voice came out in a low, somber tone. “Mira, please. Don’t do this.”

“It’s already done.”

The music started from down the hall, and I could picture each of Mira’s bridesmaids beginning their procession down the aisle. Soon it would shift to signal Mira’s entrance and a sickening realization hit me. She was going to go through with the wedding. She was going to marry Costa and I would lose her forever.

I wasn’t a man to cry, but my eyes burned with unshed tears. I couldn’t show weakness. To keep it together, I needed to make myself angry instead. Anger was better than sadness and hurt.

I breathed in deeply and took a step back, finally resolved to my fate. “Goodbye, Mira.”

I turned to leave but froze in the doorway as she spoke. “Won’t you stay for the wedding? You’re my best friend. I need you here.”

Anger flared in me and that time I didn’t have to try. I whirled around, charged her and pinned her against the wall. I wanted to shake her. To snap her out of whatever delirium was making her think that her best option was Stefano when I knew that she loved me. With my face barely an inch from hers, I growled, “do you honestly think that I could sit there and watch you marry someone else? Why would I put myself through that, Mira?”

“Because I need you.” Her voice cracked, and so did my heart. But I couldn’t let myself care any longer. Caring would only cause pain.

I scoffed and pushed off the wall, releasing her in the process. “Might as well start getting used to me not being around now.” I shook my head and without another word, walked away with the heartbreaking sound of Mira’s sob as the door shut behind me.

Chapter 24


I watched as Luca walked away from me for what I was certain would be the last time. Through all my trying, I’d finally succeeded in chasing him away once and for all. And while I had done what I had to do to keep him safe from Stefano’s threats, it didn’t make it hurt any less.

I wiped the tears from my eyes as my father joined me in the entryway.

“Are you ready, Mirabella?”

“Si, papa. As ready as I’ll ever be.” I forced my voice to come out evenly.

My father took my hand and rested it in the bend of his elbow before giving it a little squeeze. “You look so beautiful, tesoro mio. I’m so proud of you.”

“Don’t make me cry, papa.” I gave a half chuckle, half sob and he squeezed my hand again.

The music shifted to signal it was time for me to enter. I took a deep breath as the double doors opened wide and we stepped through into the ornate cathedral packed to capacity with all mine and Stefano’s friends and family, with one exception.

My heart squeezed and my steps nearly faltered as I thought of Luca, but my father steadied me. Before I knew it, we were at the altar.

“Who gives this woman to be married?” The priest’s voice dragged me from my thoughts, and I jolted.
