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“I heard from Stefano that the three of you had returned from Milan. I wasn’t sure if I should have reported it and risk putting you all in more danger. I wanted to reach out, but I wasn't sure...”

"It's okay.” Alessia squeezed my shoulder. “I understand. I was just relieved to hear that you made it out. We weren't sure what happened. Then when that undercover sting operation happened, I was worried that you put yourself in more danger running away for nothing.”

“I'm so sorry that I couldn't get the lock open in time for you to get out then.”

“Yeah, me too. It was worse without you there. But I'm glad that you got out and didn't have to go through more like we did.”

“Are the others here?” I glanced around the ballroom.

“Giulietta is somewhere around here with her father. Francesca is actually back in Sicily now. She went straight home after she got back. I think she needs some time away from all of us.”

“I suppose that makes sense.”

“Anyway, I just wanted to make sure that you were okay and wish you all the happiness in the world. Congratulations on the wedding and the baby.”

“Thank you.”

Alessia squeezed my arm affectionately before disappearing into the crowd again. Of all the girls, she was the one that seemed the most kind, although I hadn't forgotten that she was very much a part of everything that had happened at the club, it was good to know that somewhere deep inside there was at least some good in her.

I turned to start walking when I nearly ran into Teo.

“Whoa, careful there, little sister.”

“Teo, geez. I didn’t see you there.”

“Yes, I’m sorry for being so stealthy by walking straight up to you the way I did,” he teased, but his smile faded. “Are you alright?”

“Of course, I am.” I forced a smile. “Why wouldn’t I be? This is my wedding day.”

“I take it by that hint of something less than joy that I spot in your eyes that Luca’s talk with you didn’t go well?”

“Luca’s—you knew about that?”

“Of course, I did. He came and talked to me before he came here. He said how much he loved you and wanted to be with you. Poor guy, I guess he had his signals all wrong. I hope you let him down easily at least.”

“As easily as I could.” I struggled to hide the pain in my voice.

“I’m sorry that he chose your wedding day to tell you how he feels about you but at least now he knows that it was unrequited, and you got to make a fully informed decision before walking down the aisle.”

“Yeah.” My voice came out in a blend of wistful and sad.

“You made a beautiful bride, Mira.” Teo pulled me in and gently kissed my forehead.

“Was there ever any doubt?” I teased, trying to seem more like myself but it was a struggle to compartmentalize everything with Stefano to keep Teo and the others from suspecting anything.

Stefano joined us a few moments later and any joy in the moment was gone.

“There you are.”

“I didn’t mean to monopolize Mira’s time,” Teo smiled at Stefano and shook his hand. “Congratulations, brother.”

“Thank you, truly.” Stefano shook Teo’s hand, flashing him a fake smile but the expected enthusiasm of a newlywed was missing from his tone. He turned to me with the same lackluster expression. “We should probably get going soon. It's been a long day and the jet’s waiting.”

“What about our luggage?”

“I had the driver pick it up. It's already waiting in the car.”

“Oh, okay,” I said timidly.
