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“I do,” my father said proudly, pulling me in for a kiss on both cheeks before handing me over to the monster that would soon be my husband.

Stefano took my hand, holding it just a little too tight as I took my place on the altar facing him in front of all our family and friends. A sick feeling settled in the pit of my stomach, and it wasn’t from the morning sickness that had already come and gone. As the priest began the ceremony, I felt like I was in a bad dream. Like it wasn’t really me standing up there looking at a man I’d thought I knew but found out that he was a stranger...a cruel stranger.

As the priest spoke about love and devotion, my heart ached, thinking of Luca. I glanced out into the crowd, a shadowy figure stood in the back doorway and for a moment, his cold eyes met mine. I wanted him to say something, anything. I wished he would storm in, refusing to let the marriage happen, instead, he blinked, his face still unreadable as he turned from me and walked away, and a single tear escaped from the corner of my eye.

“Mira,” Stefano said impatiently, and I looked back at his irritated expression before glancing at the priest who was looking at me expectantly.

“Do you take this man as your lawful husband?” he repeated.

I took a deep breath, wanting to scream out ‘no! No, I don’t!’ but instead, I forced a smile and nodded. “I do.”

Stefano loosened his grip on my hands as the priest repeated the vows and Stefano answered. “I do.”

We slipped the wedding rings on our fingers but mine felt more like a noose than a promise of love. I didn’t hear anything else that was said until the priest finally announced, “I now pronounce you, husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.”

It was everything I could do to not recoil as Stefano grabbed me and kissed me passionately. Once he released me, we turned to face the crowd as they clapped and watched as Stefano walked me back up the aisle.

We stepped out of the church and birdseed rained down on us from our excited guests as we hurried to the waiting limo. It would be taking us to the reception which would take place in the elegant ballroom of my family’s most elegant hotel.

“You embarrassed me in there,” Stefano hissed once the privacy partition had been raised.

My eyes snapped to him. “Embarrassed you?”

“You hesitated. Were you even listening to the priest during our vows?”

“Of course, it was just very overwhelming.”

“Well, I don’t know how much you had to bribe him to go against my wishes but just because he didn’t say the word obey don’t think it wasn’t implied.”

I hadn’t even noticed. “I didn’t—”

“It doesn’t matter. The evidence I have on your family is enough to keep you in line.”

I bit the inside of my cheek, trying to keep from yelling in frustration. I just needed to make it through the day. I needed to keep up appearances a little longer, then I could go back to being ignored by Stefano who seemed perfectly content with me just being his human incubator as long as I put on a good show to make him look good if people were around.

We were announced as we entered the reception, followed by applause and cheers. Stefano led me into the middle of the dance floor, all eyes on us as the band played an overly sappy love song.

Stefano held me tight against him, feigning the ever-loving husband and all I wanted was to push him away.

After our painful first dance, I stood beside Stefano, feigning joy as we greeted guest after guest. He had all but forgotten I was there as he became lost in conversation with one of his business associates while I continued to greet our guests. I was startled when Alessia slinked up to my side and gently tugged at my arm to get my attention.

“Mira, can I talk to you for a minute?”

“Sure.” I turned to Stefano and squeezed his arm to get his attention.

“I’m sorry, just a moment,” he said politely before turning to me, quietly seething. “Never interrupt me when I’m speaking to an associate.”

I scowled. “I just wanted to let you know that I’d be right back.”

“Where are you going?”

“Just girl talk.” I motioned to Alessia, hating that I had to explain myself to the likes of him. He gave a nod and went back to his conversation.

Alessia led me to get a drink and found a small corner of the room where we could talk semi-privately. “How are you?” she asked with genuine concern in her expression. “After everything?”

"I'm alright. How are you?”

“Good. Well, doing better every day.”
