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My body calmed instantly at the sound of his voice, adrenaline withdrawing as my muscles let me sink back into the mattress and Luca’s hand loosened on my mouth.

He gave me a look as if confirming that I understood and I gave a silent nod before he completely released me and crouched by my bedside.

"I'm sorry that I startled you. I didn't want to risk you screaming and alerting anyone to me being here."

"What are you doing here?"

"Mia said that something was off when she talked to you. I had Marco check your phone for bugs and found one. I figured you knew someone was listening or at least suspected it, so I came here myself to see if you were okay."

I was relieved and excited to see Luca, but nothing had changed. I couldn't leave no matter how miserable I was. But maybe, just maybe, I could confide in Luca about why I had to stay with Stefano.

Luca understood loyalty and while he wouldn't be happy with the circumstances, he would understand them. Maybe it was selfish but part of me wanted Luca to know the truth, the reason why I couldn't be with him and the reason why I had gone through with the wedding. Part of me wanted someone to share the information with and I wanted that to be Luca.

"Mira?" His sharp voice snapped me out of my thoughts. “Are you okay?”

I nodded. “I'm okay.”

“What's going on? You’re not acting yourself and you haven’t been returning my phone calls. I know you’re probably still upset that I made such a scene at the wedding, but we have a lot of history. Tell me you aren’t going to throw that away over this.”

“Stefano saw how me, and you were together. He was jealous and I thought it was best not to fuel that jealousy, so I wanted to give us some space.”

“There's more to it than that. I came all this way and I want the truth. What is going on?”

I let out a reserved sigh and pushed myself to sit up in bed.

“If I tell you the truth I need you to promise me that you will not overreact, that it will stay just between us. I know how you are, especially when it comes to things with me. You can't react to this. I shouldn’t be telling you anything, but I can't keep it in any longer. I can't keep the secret inside.”

“Mira, you're worrying me. Now tell me what it is. I promise I won’t overreact.”

“I’m miserable,” I blurted out. “I don’t want to be married to Stefano. I didn’t want to, even on the wedding day.”

“You didn’t?”


“But you turned me down...”

“Does one thing have to have something to do with the other?”

“No. But, listen, just because you are pregnant with his kid doesn’t mean that you have to stay with him. You are a strong, independent, capable woman. You don’t need Stefano to take care of you or your baby.”

“That’s not the reason I chose to go through with the wedding.”

“Then why?”

“Stefano has information on our family, things that could put many people at risk.”

“What does he have on us? Who does he have it on?”

I blew out a heavy breath and met Luca’s gaze. “He knows about Brambilla.” I gave Luca a meaningful look, but he looked at me as if he needed more information, so I continued. “About who murdered him and who gave the order.”

“Oh, that.”

“Yeah, that.”

“We covered our tracks well with the police. There's no danger there.”

“He has evidence that shows that you were there in the office.”
