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“And the police report will state that I had met with Mia's father prior to his death, and we have people to corroborate that.”

“What about Mia finding out? Even if the police aren't an issue, I can't imagine that Mia would be okay with Teo hiding that information from her or the fact that our father was willing to kill her family lawyer just to scare her into the engagement.”

“That's what you're worried about? That's why you’re with Stefano?”

I nodded. “A big part of it, yeah. I mean, Teo is my brother and Mia is one of my best friends. I don’t want to see either of them hurt. I also didn’t want to see you get in trouble with the police, because Stefano told me that it was you who killed Brambilla.”

“Mira,” Luca sounded disappointed. “Teo told Mia about that a long time ago. He made sure that I was okay with it since it involved me. Mia’s my friend too. I understood why he didn't want to lie to her.”

“So, he told her?” I couldn't believe it.

Luca nodded.

“I went through with a wedding to a man I didn’t want to marry. A man who treats me like he owns me and our baby, all because he has useless information that can’t hurt our family?”

Luca nodded slowly. “It would seem that way.”

“And no one thought that it would be important for the family lawyer to be aware of this?”

“It happened well before you became the family lawyer, and a lot has been going on since. I’m sure Teo would have filled you in on everything at some point, but you should have come to us the moment that Stefano threatened you with this information. You’re free, Mira. There is nothing holding you here any longer.”

I rubbed my hand over my face, covering my mouth, and tried not to cry though I wasn’t sure if it was because I was sad about what I’d been through or because I was relieved that Stefano no longer had anything to hold over my head.

“But Stefano said that he would take the baby if I ever left him. He said that he’d have his family make sure that I never see my baby again.”

“I won’t let that happen. Teo and your father won’t let that happen. And you? You’re the best damn lawyer I know, so I have no doubt in my mind that you won’t let that happen either.”

I wrapped my arms around Luca’s neck and hugged him tight. “Thank you.”

“For what?”

“For setting me free.”

“You aren’t free yet. Come on.”

Luca stood, pulling me up along with him. Once I was out of bed, Luca stopped, his gaze falling to the slight baby bump I’d recently developed.

“Oh, yeah...” I self-consciously adjusted my pajamas.

“Wow.” There was a whisper of awe in his voice. “So there really is a baby in there.” I smiled, a rare occurrence since I’d left home.

He placed his hand as if cupping my belly but without touching. “May I?”

I nodded, rendered speechless from witnessing the new side to Luca.

He grinned and gently placed his hand to my belly. “Do you know if it’s a boy or a girl yet?”

“Not yet. I should be able to find out soon though.”

“Have you felt him or her kick?”

I raised a curious brow and Luca gave a crooked smile. “What? I have sisters.”

“That’s right. I forgot, Uncle Luca. And not yet. The doctor says that’s normal, especially for a first pregnancy but I can’t wait.” I beamed, actually able to let myself feel hopeful for me and for my baby.

Luca blinked suddenly and shook his head, breaking the moment. “We should get you packed. Stefano’s not home but I don’t want him to show up and catch us.”

“You’re right. We should go.”
