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He stopped once he reached my desk and stood for a moment just looking around. I grew impatient waiting for the reason for his visit, so I cleared my throat and closed my laptop. “What are you doing here, Stefano?”

“I’ve come to retrieve what’s mine?” His voice was so nonchalant that I wrecked my mind, trying to think of what I could possibly have that he would view as his.

“You mean the rings? They’re at the compound. I’ll have to get them to you later.” The rings were beautiful, but I had no desire to keep a reminder of our time together.

“Not the rings.”

“Then I’m sorry,” I said with a huff as my irritation and impatience grew. “I don’t know what it is I have of yours.”

Stefano looked annoyed and stepped forward until he hovered over my desk. He slapped his hands down on the table, making me jump as he leaned in close. “I’m here to retrieve my wife.”

I laughed. I hadn’t meant to. It was an involuntary response to the preposterousness of Stefano still thinking that I was going to stay married to him. No matter my intent, he looked angry.

“This has gone on long enough, Mira. I understand that you had to mourn the loss of our baby in your own way, and I’ve allowed you to stay here with your family but it’s time that you come home with me now.”

“I’m not going anywhere with you, unless it’s to sign divorce papers.”

“Excuse me?” There was a threatening tone to his voice, and I gripped the edge of my desk while struggling to keep my voice even.

“I have no interest in remaining your wife and you can’t honestly think what we have is real or even healthy.”

“What we have is a lifelong commitment and vows to uphold. Now let's go. In your haste, you left enough of your clothes in Sicily. We can have your family send the rest of your things later.”

He reached over the desk and grabbed my arm, hauling me up from my seat and practically dragging me around to his side. “Stefano, let go—"

“Take your fucking hands off of her,” Luca growled, and both Stefano and I looked his way.

“This is none of your concern.”

“Mira is my concern.” Luca made it to us in a flash, startling Stefano enough that he dropped my arm.

“Mira is my wife.”

“Not anymore.”

“I have the paperwork to prove it.”

“Papers?” Luca scoffed “That’s how you prove that she’s yours? She’s not some piece of property you can just show the receipt to prove you own it. If Mira doesn’t want to be with you anymore, she doesn't have to be with you anymore.”

“What she wants is irrelevant. I’m taking her home, and I’m taking her now.” Stefano pulled me quickly in front of him. Just as quickly, he pulled a pistol from his waistband and pointed it at Luca.

Luca froze. “Don’t be stupid, put the gun down.”

Luca’s hand twitched at his side near where he always kept his own gun, but Stefano was too quick, moving the gun from Luca to my temple. “Don’t even think about it or I will shoot her before you could get a round off.”

Luca held up his hands, trying to seem less threatening. “Whoa, you don’t want to do that. Think about it. If you shoot her, you won’t be able to have her either.”

“That’s okay, better to be a widow than to have some other man steal my woman.”

“I’m not coming any closer. You don’t have to shoot her. You can let her go.”

“I’m not letting her go. She’s my wife. She’s coming with me.”

“I can’t let you do that.” Luca said, side stepping a little closer.

“Don’t,” Stefano barked, pressing the muzzle harder to my temple.

“Stefano, please? You’re hurting me.” I tried a different tactic.
