Page 5 of Solace

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“Well, well, well what have we here, do you have anything to share with us, princess?” I asked her in a no-nonsense tone.

I stared blankly not wishing to give her anything away other than she was in serious trouble and had met her worst enemy.

“Now princess, what is your name?” I asked as I crouched down to her level. Her eyes were on me, burning into my soul, I had to keep my cool and show her who was the boss, breaking at the first step was not an option.

“Layla,” she gulped.

“Layla what?”

“What do you want it to be?”

Wow, she had a smart mouth, not good… I hated people like that, but at that moment I guessed she was stalling.

“Layla, we have two options here, either I leave you here for my men to deal with you…or you tell me your surname?” I told her as I hitched my brows.

She licked her lips and turned her head away from me, clearly thinking about her choices, and then sucked in a deep breath before turning her attention back to me.

“Will you kill me regardless?” her voice came out in a whisper.

“It all depends on you, I do have a woman upstairs who could… well, get the answers I want out of you slowly, or it can be fast with me.”

“What does she do that is different to your men?”

Wow, she was good but not that good as she was the one tied to the chair.

“Let’s just say, she has the woman’s touch whereas my men, they go in like a bull in a China shop and slowly start breaking your bones,” I said matter-of-factly,

She widened her eyes.

“Layla Vixon,” she whispered in a defeated voice.

I looked over her shoulder to where Carlo was standing and made sure that he knew to do the background checks.

“Tell me, Layla, how did you end up on my land?” I asked as I furrowed my brows at her.

She scoffed.

“Well, to be honest, it’s kind of ironic, I was on the run from a scumbag, he was chasing me, the evil vindictive man that he is. I was getting tired and running out of options as I ran through the gardens. I was doing everything I could to try and get away when I saw a car parked up. I tried the door, and it opened, then I climbed in behind the driver's seat. Once hidden it was then that someone got into the car and brought me here. I waited for the coast to be clear and when the gates were open, I ran for it.”

I quirked my brow, puzzled by her little story.

“So, let to get this right, you saw a car parked up and just jumped in?”


I glared over at Carlo, and he shrugged his shoulders looking as puzzled as I was.

“Are you a fucking idiot? Anyone could have got in… and in this house and damn well… Me and you are having words later,” I told him in Italian so our little trespasser couldn’t understand.

My temper raged; I was sick to the stomach. The truth was I couldn’t tell if she was being truthful and that this wasn’t some stupid story she’d just made up, either way, I had more than enough questions for her.

Carlo glanced across the room to me, lifting his brows as I made my way over to him.

“She doesn’t exist, boss, there’s nothing on her. Not a blip,” he whispered in my ear.

I spun to face the woman, aware I had to get the truth out of her.

“So, Layla,” I said as stood before her.
