Page 6 of Solace

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She locked eyes with me, as I crouched down to her level.

“Now… princess, Carlo here just did a background check on you and it would appear you don’t exist, now, I’m giving you the chance to explain before I think about… well, harming you. We don’t want that do we?” I said sweetly but cutting and she gulped.

Her tongue swept out her mouth licking her lips, and all I could imagine was that it was wrapped around my throbbing dick.

“That’s the name I grew up with. My mother abandoned me, and this old couple found me and took me in. They died a few years later and since then I have been in and out of foster care, I was the naughty kid. So, what my real birth name was, I have no idea,” she said, tilting her head to the side and keeping her eyes locked on mine.

Okay, I had no idea if what she just told me was true or not.

“So where are you now?” I asked.

“In this house,” she replied in a sarcastic tone.

Smart arse.

“I mean in life, a job…”

“Oh, homeless, no job, no money and all I own are the clothes on my body.”

I took a deep breath, whilst I stared intensively into her eyes.

“Who are you working for?”

“What do you mean?” she replied timidly as she stared at me wide-eyed.

“Exactly that. Who are you working for? Because trust me I will find out.”

“I don’t work for anyone. I’m just me, myself, and I. I have nothing, everything I owned was left behind. I escaped terrible living conditions and ran…I have nothing and belong to no one.”

She never blinked as she was talking; her face unfathomable. I couldn’t tell whether she was lying or not. I decided to leave it there and give her time to think about her situation, maybe some time with my men or even Monica might be what she needed to break her.

I moved to Carlo.

“Keep her down here, don’t allow her to sleep. If she’s telling the truth, then we have nothing to worry about, but keep asking her questions and keep me posted.”

“Sure boss. Do you want us to harm her?” Carlo asked as he glanced over my shoulder at her.

“No, but threaten her, allow her to see what could be used if she doesn’t talk,” I told him as I faced her.

What she didn’t know was that she was in for a long night.



LAYLA aka Daniella

Holy cavolo, I was in serious trouble. As soon as I saw him, I knew exactly who this man was, Antonio Conti, my papa nemesis. I was in deep and if I hadn’t lied… I would already be dead. My heart thumped in my chest as I remembered him from my mother’s funeral. My papa made it crystal clear for me to stay away from him, even if the man was dashingly handsome and had a certain sexy look that attracted me to him. His dark suit, dark hair and before and after the service wore sunglasses, but between, I stared at him, as my mother was lowered into the ground. I noticed he gawped at me, only thankfully the netting over my face shielded me. How my heart broke that day, how a part of me died with mamma and Paul, the driver. It was strange as now I am Antonio Conti’s captive. Of all the cars in the world I had to hide in one of his, I mean come on what were the chances of that?

I lied and all for the sake of saving myself. I wasn’t ready to die and at least now I had a chance to try and sort this situation out, thing was I saw only one fate for me, death, and leaving this house in a box. I was screwed and now… I had to remember my story and hope to God no one ever found out the truth that I was a Dellucci. I did however try not to laugh when he talked in Italian to the one, he called Carlo behind me.

“Are you a fucking idiot? Anyone could have got in…and in this house and damn well. Me and you are having words later.”

It was hilarious, here was Antonio thinking he was safe when Italian was my native language.

“So… the boss has left you to us. I was thinking of getting Monica, she’s so good at getting women to talk, but I think we will see how we get on, don’t you pretty thing,” Carlo told me.

The man was as tall as a skyscraper, he was so much larger than me, he had black hair that was gelled back, a nose that looked like it had been broken a few times and a scar on his right cheek, he also wore a black suit like Antonio.
