Page 68 of Solace

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Firmly gripping my fists digging my nails into my palms fearing soon I would draw blood. I needed my hands to wrap around that goddamn bastard’s throat and squeeze the living daylights out of him, I was ready to master any pain possible to mankind. I would torture him, make him bow down to me before I slaughtered and ended his miserable life. Just the thought of Ricco gone, sent calm to me, making the city…the world a better place. Of course, there was no denying others would follow his suit and I would chase them to. I had a reputation, and that was to keep scum away.

The car pulled into the drive and all I saw was unknown cars.


Not caring for what people said right now, my only worry was getting to Daniella and if that man put his dick anywhere near her or harmed a hair on her head…I swear…he had better fucking run. Anger raged inside me like a tornado I wasn’t going to stop for anything. I had no idea where my men would go personally if they killed all I wouldn’t care as long as they leave Ricco for me.

Knowing they were in the pool room. I hoped to lord my girl hadn’t been naked when they found her. On approach to the door, I saw my slaughtered men, blood and bodies lying dead, I stepped over the men and saw no amount of bullet holes in my walls and shared glass on the floor from the chandelier.

Trails of blood and more bodies lying in pools of their spilled blood as I storm down the corridor. The smell was revolting, but a smell I knew far too well. I carried on walking down the corridor to find a few cleaners, my stomach somersaulted to see such innocence taken. I saw a door open and quickly close, betting someone was hiding, the poor soul, I bet they were terrified and with every right.

Fierce I made my way down the corridor shoulders up, hands fisted, and my gun and knife hidden in the back of my trousers. I saw two men stood outside the pool room. I stopped they pointed their guns at me.

“Ricco, Mr Conti has arrived,” he spoke in his earpiece.

Chapter 35

DANIELLA aka Layla

Trying so hard while I’m swimming not to think about Antonio being face-to-face with that monster only it never went. The whole thought sent thunderous signals down to my tummy, having the urge to vomit.

Out by the pool, I grabbed a shower wishing Antonio was here to wash me. When washing my hair, his hands was so therapeutic, I was dazed and sent hypnotised then he had that distinct way with me. No matter what devil lurked inside him, I loved it.

I thought about his father and how Ricco had been coward and rather than coming face-to-face with the enemy he had to ride them of the road and when someone was weak, kill. A monster only did that act of killing, someone who knew if they were face-to-face, they would lose. Of course, he was pathetic, he shot people from the back, never the front because he was too weak to face his own acts of trait. He was good enough to order others around, leaving the dirty work to the others because he was to scum to do it any other way.

Thoughts of my mamma riddled back and how she died, car crash, and who killed her and Paul. I closed my eyes and hoped she didn’t suffer to much pain before her life was taken. I hoped Paul was there to protect her and give her the comfort she deserved. All I could vision was my mamma lying dead, alone and people stood over her staring, I hoped that hadn’t been the case.

Dressed I sat on the bench thinking about so many things, my soul was lost but with Antonio it felt right, he felt right. I just need him with me and whispering sweet nothings. Yet I also needed him to finish Ricco and his evil ways.

Glancing up to the ceiling. “Mamma I need direction.”

I sucked in a deep breath and decided I had spent enough time dwelling on the past and what people might or might not be suffering. I knew my heart ached in loss just like Antonio we both missed our loved ones, who made us who we are today.

Rolling my tongue over my lips and got up to make my way back to the main house. I picked up the towels placing them in the laundry basket and sighed heavy. I scratched my upper chest wondering how Antonio was getting on.

Opening the door I glanced across to the pool thinking of the last time I had been in it, with Antonio making love. I smiled, and scrunched up my nose, it was perfect like him. How he took me into his arms and blessed me with such passion, devotion, and hotness. I was simply flabbergasted to his touch and his fingertips were like bolts of lightning activating my pussy. My nipples sprung into erection just to the thought that he moved my bra and took my nipples into his mouth, sucking and licking to the point I almost came there and then.

“Hello Daniella.”

I froze…I knew that voice. The voice of the monster. I swallowed and in slow motion I turned my head to the right to see him laying down on the bed. His eyes burned into me, scorching me like I was about to turn into ash and be blown away. My lungs stop working, my heart skipped beats and my mouth turned dry.

What the fuck?

He sat forward and gawped at me with those beastly eyes.

What the hell had happened?

Where was Antonio?

I chewed my lower lip trying to figure out what the hell was going on.

Was Antonio dead?

Was Ricco a coward again and shot from behind?

My heart trembled to the possibilities. I had no idea even what time it was or how long I had been in the pool, it didn’t feel long and my shower I was lost in thought.

“Where is Antonio?” I asked him, fearing he wouldn’t answer me.
