Page 69 of Solace

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“At his club.” I frowned. “I sent him on a hoax call to get him away from you, and it worked.” He rose from the bed, standing before me on a navy suit. I stepped back not wishing this man to touch me or even be within the same vicinity. “Nice place he has here.”

“His men will be here.” I stepped back, to keep my distance from him.

“They will have a job, unless they come back from the dead,” he told me.

I sucked in a deep breath. “You have killed them all?”

“Yep, don’t need waste hanging around.”

“You’re a monster, pure and simple. It must me such a lonely world for you,” I snarled, staring intensively into his eyes.

“Not really, because I am taking back what is mine. You.” He was so assured of himself.

“I am not yours,” I scorned.

“I had noticed, but of course once today is over with, you will be back in my arms and fucking me,” he cocked a side smile, I would rather die than ever have him touching me intimately.

“I don’t think so,” I reply as I keep stepping backwards as he takes steps towards.

“I have to say you hide well from me. I have been fucking pissed of searching for you and no way did I think about looking here, very clever, Daniella,” he said smugly.

“It never happened that way, I had no idea where I was going,” I said determined to save my sanity.

“Oh, come on Daniella, you wanted to play chase, to see how much you meant to me and leading me directly into the enemy,” he said bothersome.

“You’re sick in the head. I ran to get the hell away from you. You’re nothing that I ever wished to be with…”

“And Antonio is? He is just as bad as me” He laughed so hard it became soundless.

“He is more of a man than you’ll ever be,” I retaliate.

“Oh, you do have a soft spot for him. I like it. I like it a lot, which means when killing him it will make it extra special for you. I am debating to fuck you in front of him…make him beg me to stop just like you will. I want to see your faces as I sink my dick hard and fast into your pussy…” he said in an unflinching gaze.

“Not happening. You will not touch me,” I screamed. The man made me mad, sick to the stomach, revolting in every way possible.

“Now, now, come along be nice, after all I am giving you a chance here. Come with me now and we will forget all that has happened these past months and well…I will make you my wife just like your father wants.” He smirked killing me softly with his angry expression.

“I don’t think so. I am not going anywhere with you,” I said as I keep moving further away from him, only he’s stepping ever closer.

“I think you are missing the point here,” he tilted his head in frustration. “You are missing the point drastically. How many times do I need to explain you’re mine to you, until you accept your fate,” he cursed in wrath. My entire body was haunted by the sight of this man. “Antonio isn’t here, his men are dead and others, so who the hell is going to stop me from taking you back where you belong?”

I swallowed; he was right. There was no one. I was very much alone. I saw I had no choice, I turned as someone was behind me, a man wearing a suit pointing his gun in my direction.

“You are out of options my whore. You have nowhere to go. You have no weapons, no boyfriend, no bodyguards and well, all you have is me to protect you. If of course I can be bothered, and you don’t give me further shit.”

“How did you know I was here?” I asked as I remained vigilant with the two men both armed, the air around me was suffocating and deadly.

“Well, that is a long story. The square where your mamma and her driver, what was he called,” he said as he clicked his fingers.

“Paul,” I informed him.

“Oh yes, the lovely Paul who would do anything for your mamma,” he said sarcastic.

“At least he looked after her.”

“But he didn’t because she died in his arms… anyway, that is another story for your father to share, my men saw you shopping with Antonio and looking very acquainted and sent me a lovely picture of you both, with him kissing your forehead, so sweet. I almost puked.”

He gave a false smile, I inhaled a deep breath. I knew going shopping was a mistake, not only did it lead me to tell Antonio the truth about who I was but told Ricco where I was.
