Page 72 of Solace

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Ricco grabbed my arm and yanked me back to my feet. I couldn’t stand, my legs were too weak. He wrapped his arm around my tummy and carried me as he moved me closer to the beast, I called a father. I want this man dead and now. “You bastard.” Ricco held me as I filled my mouth with saliva and when close enough, I spat at his face.

Papa with his spare hand he wiped aware my spit. Everything inside me raged, wanting to cast my revenge and make the man suffer. I hated him. He killed my mamma and showed no signs of regret.

Our eyes fixed together as I trembled in anger and agony. The man I called papa killed my mamma and Paul, all because they were having sex.

“At least Paul was worthy of her, and they died together,” I scorned as I managed to stand on my feet.

“Oh, they were happy with his body covering your mothers. I put a bullet right between her eyes as she glared at me. I didn’t care. I felt nothing, just like I don’t know. You deserve nothing better than the life you had, you should be thankful I never called Ricco to rape you,” he revenged.

“What? Why are you saying these horrible things? I am your daughter; how can you speak such horror?” I asked as tears ran down my cheeks. I felt weak, defenceless, and broken. I was shattering into tiny fragments for the truth of my mamma’s death.

“Because my sweetheart, I’m not your father. Paul was,” Papa said as he leaned forward and stared me harsh in the eyes.

Those words cut through me like a blade, I widened my eyes.

“That’s a lie,” I voice as my heart collapsed. I spent most of my childhood with him, he watched me grow up and shared more family times than I did with…

“Paul was my father?” I enquired in a low voice. “How did you know?” I sobbed, with my vision blurred as I picture mamma and Paul together and how they were always happy, I remember a time when we had a picnic by the lake and I wished Paul was my papa, he played ball we had such a laugh, we did nothing but smile and when we returned home, mamma’s mood changed, like she was upset the day was over.

“Your mother told me. We were fighting, she was getting ready to leave me and take you with her. I protested and told her she wasn’t taking you anywhere, that was when she told me, the bitch. I thought she did it out of malice. Little did she know, I took a lock of your hair and his, sent it off for DNA, and guess what the fucking result came back as?” I gazed heartbroken at him. “Yes, you’re his daughter, so I saw revenge and boom I murdered them in cold blood.”

My world fell apart in seconds, and I had nothing left, I was an orphan. Lifeless and destroyed.

“After that I didn’t give a shit, hence the reason for Ricco. He wanted a slut and with your mamma being one, seemed the right thing to offer you to him,” he continued evil.

“Why has it taken you this long to tell me?” I asked wiping away the tears. I had to stay strong for mamma I had to stand proud and fight this disgusting piece of shit. I had to give her revenge and some sanity back. I rose to stare the evil man in the eyes, I had to fight the tears and pain.

“Why not? It was fun to watch Ricco playing you and you, begging me to stop him. I was never going to do that. In fact, the night you took off, I was going to have the men restrain you and allow Ricco to do whatever he wished,” he mocked as he wore a large smile.

I licked my lips and took a deep breath; my chest was so tight. I glanced across the pool to Antonio as he stared at me full of sorrow. I wondered how much he knew.

“Did you know?” I asked Antonio.

“Some of it,” he replied as two men pointed guns directly at him.

“Ricco deserves a slut like you. He likes bitches and well I thought being as you had your mammas blood you would fit into his life rather well.”

“So, this was about what?” I asked papa to turn my attention back to him, even if I was drained.

“My pleasure. To watch you being treated like a bitchesthe only thing was he never got to fuck you. I told him to force himself on you, rape you but he was the one being the gentleman and said no, only on his wishes. Stupid fool.” He turned his head away from me and looked across the pool to Antonio. “I have another confession to make,” he gloated.

“Another? Wow, this is such a good party,” Ricco sung.

Facing him as he furrowed his brows.

“I raped and killed your mother,” he confessed.

Chapter 36


What the fuck did that man just say?

Hoping for his sake that what I heard I didn’t as otherwise that man was not leaving this room alive.

Glaring across the room at the man who just said he stole my mother’s life, and he didn’t look the slightly bit fazed just like when he admitted he murdered Daniella’s parents and he wasn’t her father, talk about a double whammy.

I heaved my breath wondering how long this was going to take, as right now, I wanted both these men in my house dead.
