Page 73 of Solace

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My pulsed drummed, my body tensed in an alarm, and I was ready to cause some bloodshed.

Glkancing at Daniella as she stared at him, well he was nothing now, but a sad walking dead man. I had no idea where my men were, but I sensed they were close and ready when I was.

“Say that again?” I asked, eager for some clarification.

“I raped and killed your mother,” Malinco boasted.

“I thought that was what you said.”

“Do you want the details?” Malinco asked, like he’d enjoy telling me.

“Not really, as I can imagine what a pathetic low life you are, picking on the weak and vulnerable who wouldn’t fight you back,” I said, to keep my cool, even if I was so close, so close to planting a bullet in his head.

“Oh, your mother was a fighter, I will give her that. Especially when she begged me to stop,” Malinco said, grinning like a Cheshire cat.

“I said I didn’t want the details. Personally, I think you are scum and deserve nothing more than a fucking bullet in your head,” I told him.

“I love this,” Ricco chanted. “Yet,” he said serious. “I am bored of this shit. Now let’s talk, we have two options here, you stay alive, boring, and live a blah, blah life and I take the girl, or I just shoot you both now.”

“You are so full of excitement,” I said to Ricco as he approached Daniella to take her captive once again. I watched as he pulled out a gun from his slacks and without a second to spare, he pulled the trigger. My heart dropped into my stomach, and I waited for Daniella to drop to the ground, only she didn’t move, and another body hit the ground in a hard thump…Malinco.

“He was boring the shit out of me, telling me what to do all the time. Boring.”

Daniella stood staring at the dead body in front of her. I wanted to get close and offer her comfort only I had a problem, unarmed with two shooters behind me and Ricco.

Hitching forward when the gun was turned to me. “Don’t even think about it Conti.”

Holding my hands up, I needed my frigging men. Where the hell where they?

“So, tell me Conti, what was your plan once you got the Dellucci girl?”

I rubbed my jaw as Daniella looked in my direction, I saw her arm was pouring with blood where she had been gashed.

“To use her to get to you and him,” I nudged my head to the dead body on the floor. “Then I planned on killing her. It all seemed so easy,” I joked.

“What?” she said in anger.

“To kill you. I was going to use you, rape you and slaughter you in front of these, but personally after what I have heard now, I don’t think it would have made the slightest bit of difference. Why were you so desperate to get her back?” I asked Ricco.

“Oh no, you’re not changing the subject. Were you going to rape me?” I asked Antonio.

“Probably, or use you for my men, one or the other.” Her eyes widened. “So sorry, but if I had known I would have kept you on the basement for my men and if I fancied it, why not?”

Daniella stepped closer to me with Ricco lowering his shoulders.

“You know this is all very sweet…” Ricco chanted.

“Shut the fuck up Ricco, this is my moment. I want to know the truth, what were we?” I shouted at Ricco then to Antonio.

“What were we?” I placed my hands in my pants and scrunched up my nose trying to decide. “Sex, sex and sex, your pussy is pretty nice, always wet. I mean personally I don’t think Ricco, will be disappointed. I mean if he wants you, he can have you,” I said, cocking my head to the side and furrowing my brows to see Ricco, frowning like he was bored.

“So, are you saying Ricco can have me and do as he wishes with me?” she asked. I again glanced over her shoulder to look at the man who held his gun to us as he moved it from pointing to her to me.

“Is that a problem?” I asked, unbothered.

“So, what we were was nothing but a lie?” she said annoyed.

“Yeah, I guess so. So, what was your game, Ricco?” I asked him, curious.
