Page 80 of Solace

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“I love you, Antonio.” We pressed our lips together, so exquisite and lustful. He wrapped his arms around me, I cuddled into his chest.

“What happens about the Dellucci’s estate?” I asked, curious.

“I own it. Like I own the other families,” he replied.

I pulled out to gaze him deeply into his eyes.

“Does this mean I can go and get all the pictures of my mamma and some of my real father that she took and hid?”

“You can do whatever you wish. But first I need to make them understand who is in charge and hopefully Carlo already has that in motion. I am not going to butter this up, but I am a killer. The boss. The Italian King of the Mafia and that is where I belong. You will be the princess until I make you queen.”

I lifted my brows. “What do you mean queen?”

“Well, if me and you stay together and have lots of lustful sex then I might make an honest woman of you, as long as you promise not to go jumping into other people’s cars and ending up in trouble.” He chuckled.

“Who me? never. I am a good girl. And anyway, I ended up in your arms, where I like it a lot.”

“Oh princess,” he said, placing my hair behind my ear. “This is why I love you.”

“I thought I would feel empty, but for some reason I don’t. My heart feels fulfilled and happy and not the traumatised woman I was when I came into your life.”

“That princess is because you have found your soul with me. I swear on my life I will do whatever means to keep you safe and in my arms.”

“Did you think we would die yesterday?”

“No, I had every faith in my men and myself to keep us all alive. Ricco was stupid and well…”

“He used other people to hide behind and killed from the back. He never faced his enemies or victims. He was a coward.”

“Exactly. You’re so precious. He never hurt you, did he?” I shook my head and smiled. “Good because I swear if he did, I would burn his corpse.”

“I think we can say he’s gone,” I rejoiced.

“Monica, however. Where the hell was, she? I asked her to look after you and instead…”

“Don’t blame her, she no doubt was hiding, scared, taken by storm,” I said unsure why I gave her excuses.

“Well, she’d meant to be a bitch not a coward. I’ll have words once were back.”

I made my way back into the cabin.

Once dressed I made some food and saw Antonio on his phone, unaware he could even get a signal up here.

“Is something the matter?” I said on approach.

He turned to face me. “I need to go to the local town and make a call to Carlo, just to make sure everything is good and how the clean-up of the house is coming along,” he told me.

“Who did that bastard kill?”

“Don’t worry about it.” I tilted my head to the side. I had to know. “Many of my men, a few cleaners.”


“No, she was hiding in the cleaning cupboard. Look I must go, I promise not to be too long and then me and you…bed and lots of body slapping,” he said as he stroked his finger across the tip of my nose.

I watched as he left and I was left alone, I guess I had nothing to fear. I finished making some food and then sat waiting for him to come back. I had no idea what the time was or how long he had been gone, I watched the birds and listened to wildlife taking in the beauty. I waited and soon Antonio was back.

“Is everything all right?”
