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I’m exhausted by this point, and I’m over giving this any more of my energy.

Pulling back, I hit him in the face one more time before kicking his skate out from under him and driving him into the ice. It’s at this point that the refs come over and split us up since he went down. But even as I’m being pushed back, I land one final blow.

“You’re done,” the ref mutters at me but I ignore it.

“You up for a second date? Name it, and I’m all yours.” I smile at the bloody player on the ice as the arena erupts with cheers and applause, as do my teammates.

“You all right, Brett?” I shout at him as I’m being escorted to the bench by the ref.

I’m definitely out for the rest of the game since there’s less than two minutes left. I’m getting at least a five-minute penalty for fighting. And probably an additional ten-minute misconduct since I went after that dude without him dropping gloves too, and not stopping once he hit the ice. There’s no point in putting me in the penalty box since I have more minutes to serve than there are remaining in the game.

“I’m good, I think. Thanks,” he says with a nod, and I know he means it more than for just checking in on him.

Nodding back, I turn and step off of the ice onto the rubber mats and walk to the locker room to cool the fuck down. We end up beating the Sledgehammers five to zero. I guess tonight wasn’t their night of finally clicking as a team.

What a shame.

After I’m changed and ready to leave, I pull out my phone and check it, seeing a text from my mom.

Mom: Abby and I were watching the game. Are you okay?!

Me: Yeah, I’m just fine, Mom. Ha-ha. Is Abby okay after seeing it?

Violence isn’t Abby’s favorite thing in the world in any form. Not in books, movies, and certainly not with her big brother.

Mom: You should have seen her actually. I’ve never seen her react like this. She was cheering you on, LOL. I’ll send you a video I took.

Me: I would love that. Excited about the party? Is the events team taking good care of you guys?

Mom: Oh my gosh, yes. They are phenomenal. Abby is going to love it!

Me: Good! I’ve already got my Barbie-inspired outfit ready to go. Ha-ha. I think it’ll make Abby laugh for sure, although the guys might never stop giving me shit for it.

Mom: I can’t wait to see it!

Me: Need any help with anything for Saturday?

Mom: Everything is being taken care of. But I do have to ask if you’ve invited Charlotte. You know she means a lot to Abby.

Me: I know, Mom. I’ll text her tonight.

Mom: You could at least call her, Reed.

Me: I don’t want to hear her voice right now. She’s getting invited via text. Please don’t make me call her.

Mom: Fine. But I want to know what she says right away in case I have to prepare Abby and let her know that she won’t be there for her party.

Me: Will do. Love you.

Mom: I love you too, sweetie. Get back home safe and sound.

My mom would definitely prefer if I asked Charlotte in person about the party, but I can’t do it. I don’t want to have a conversation with her at all, so if I can invite her through my phone, at least I don’t have to look at her to do it.

Me: My sister’s birthday party is Saturday at seven p.m. She wants to invite you. So, this is me doing that for her. It’s at the arena.

Text bubbles appear immediately, then disappear, then reappear, then disappear. I’m sick of watching her make up her mind, so I lock my phone and shove it into my pocket. Of course, the second I do, it dings. My heart is racing faster right now than it was during the fight.

Charlotte: Are you comfortable with that?
