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“You may land. f’loon is expecting the three of you,” the voice told them. “Follow the coordinates I have beamed to your ship.”

Then the transmission cut off abruptly.

“Well…I guess f’loon is waiting for you, Lilibet,” Light remarked.

“All three of us, apparently.” She frowned. “I wonder how they know about you two, though. I didn’t even know you when I started my correspondence with f’loon.”

“Probably has to do with the scan,” Dark said. “The Chulaz are nosy bastards. Wouldn’t be surprised if they were spying on us long before the ship tilted.”

“That wouldn’t surprise me either,” Light remarked.

“Really? You think they saw us…saw me…” Lili cleared her throat. “Saw the two of you posing for me?”

Dark shrugged.

“They might have. Why?”

“Well, I mean…I don’t know. What if they think…what if they saw…”

“Saw you jerking us both off?” Dark finished for her, his eyes going hot.

Lili became suddenly aware that both big Kindred were still naked—they hadn’t had time to put back on their clothing before getting strapped in.

“Er…yes, I suppose so,” she said uncertainly.

“What the three of us did is between us,” Light murmured. “I wouldn’t worry, Lilibet,”

“Yeah, who cares what they saw? They’ll get over it,” Dark rumbled. He looked at Lili. “You were just giving us good emotions—that’s not a fucking crime, right?”

“Um, I guess not.” Lili cleared her throat. “Er…do you think the two of you ought to get dressed again before we land, though?”

“Huh?” Dark looked down at himself. His long shaft had gone down, Lili noted, though it was still a considerable size. “Oh right,” he muttered. “Yeah, we’d probably better get our uniforms back on.”

“Yes, we should,” Light agreed. “I have no wish to land on F’rith Three unarmed and naked.”

“You’re fucking right about that,” Dark growled. “Hang on—we’ll be there in a minute and then we can get dressed.”

The ship flew through the atmosphere of F’rith Three and almost before she knew it, Lili saw an extremely tall, circular tower rising high into the sky. The outside of it gleamed in the sunlight and there were windows spaced in a spiral pattern around the outside of it. To Lili, it looked a little like the leaning Tower of Pisa, only it wasn’t leaning, and it was shiny and metallic instead of being plain white stone.

“There it is—the Golden Tower!” she exclaimed, pointing.

Dark grunted.

“Huh—your friend f’loon doesn’t play around when it comes to showing people how wealthy they are,” he muttered as he landed the ship in front of the tall golden tower.

“It’s not just f’loon’s private residence—it’s a secure place they can store their vast collection,” Lili explained. She leaned forward excitedly. “Every floor has art from a different planet—f’loon takes one piece of art from each of their cultures to represent them. It’s an unimaginable honor to have your art chosen for display here.” She looked at them. “Aren’t you excited to see it?”

“To be completely honest, until we had emotions, we never had much interest in any kind of art or artistic expression,” Light said carefully. “But we’re willing to learn from you.”

“I have a whole new appreciation of art after that posing session we just had,” Dark added, and Lili noticed that his shaft had stared to grow again.

“All right, now,” she said with mock severity. “What the three of us did wasn’t exactly ‘art’ per say. And right now, I think you’d both better get dressed before we have to meet f’loon.”

“Agreed,” Light said. “Come on, Brother—let’s go.”

The two Kindred unstrapped from their harnesses and went in the back to get dressed. Lili sat where she was, staring at the tall golden tower, her heart pounding in anticipation. She’d been dreaming of seeing f’loon’s collection for so long—she could scarcely believe her dream was finally coming true!

She had no idea how quickly it would turn into a nightmare.

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