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“First of all, you’re not fucking heavy,” Dark growled from her other side. “And second, I think you’re forgetting about Light’s enhancements.”

“His…his enhancements?” Lili panted. Then she remembered the smart-metal sheaths that covered both the Light Twin’s legs. “Oh, right…”

“I could climb these stairs forever,” Light told her in a matter-of-fact way. “My legs are tireless. But it seems to me that yours are not,” he added, giving her a worried look.

Lili felt like she ought to protest more and she tried…but when she opened her mouth to make another excuse not to let him carry her, she found she was so out of breath she couldn’t get out a word.

Not waiting any longer, Light scooped her up in his arms. Then he looked at Dark.

“Come on, Brother—we’d better catch up.”

“Right behind you,” Dark rumbled. “Lead the way.”

Lili had suspected that the two of them were going slowly just for her. Now she knew it was true. Light bounded up the spiral staircase with Dark right behind him. His mechanical legs worked so smoothly that she didn’t bounce a bit in his arms, even when he skipped steps to make up for lost time. It was a very comfortable ride and she had to admit she was grateful to finally be able to catch her breath.

“Feeling better, sweetheart?” he asked her when they caught up to f’loon and es’plendio.

“Yes, much,” Lili admitted. She smiled at him. “Thank you for carrying me. But are you sure you won’t get tired?”

“I’m more likely to get tired than Light,” Dark growled from her side. “Since I don’t have leg enhancements like he does.”

“You’re on your own with that, Brother,” Light said, grinning a little. “Because you are too heavy to carry.”

“Don’t worry about me—just take care of little Lili,” was Dark’s response. “And if you get tired of carrying her, I’ll take a turn.”

“You got to taste her and I didn’t,” Light responded. “So I get to carry her all the way to the top.”

Lili wasn’t sure what to make of this exchange.

“Are you two jealous of each other?” she asked, raising her eyebrows. “I thought that Twin Kindred always shared a woman and there was no jealousy between them. At least, that’s what my friend Rachel told me.”

“There’s no jealousy—well, not much,” Light told her. “But because we’re an Imperfect Pair, our Twin Bond is also imperfect. So yes, I have to admit I was a little jealous that Dark got to taste your sweet pussy and I didn’t.”

“Don’t worry, Light—next time you can go first,” Dark promised him. “It’s fucking worth waiting for—Lili’s pussy is delicious. And the way she moans and pulls your hair?—”

“Dark!” Lili hissed at him, feeling her cheeks get hot. The Dark Twin’s voice carried and she wasn’t sure if f’loon and their spouse could hear him or not.

“Oh, sorry baby—but it’s true,” Dark said in a low voice. “Will you let Light taste you so he can see what I mean?”

“That’s not something you can ask!” Light protested. “Lilibet has to be in the mood—her emotions have to be just right for her to want one of us to taste her.”

“Huh…” Dark shook his head. “I don’t understand that. Ever since we met Lili, my emotions have been right for tasting her almost every single minute. Well, except when The Fury took over when she was being attacked.”

Lili couldn’t suppress a laugh.

“You and every other man in the universe,” she told him. “I don’t know a single guy who doesn’t have sex on the brain almost constantly.”

“I think about it too,” Light admitted. “I just don’t talk about it all the time,” he added, shooting his twin a significant look.

“Okay, sorry,” Dark muttered. “The emotions are hard enough to figure out, let alone knowing when you can say out loud what they make you feel!”

“It’s all right, Dark,” Lili reached out to pat him on one broad shoulder. “I understand there’s a steep learning curve when it comes to feelings. You two are both doing really well.”

“Are we?” Light asked anxiously. “Dark is right—sometimes it’s difficult to know what feelings you’re having and how to react to them.”

“You’re both doing better than a lot of human men who have had feelings all their lives,” Lili assured them. “Just keep doing what you’re doing—name your emotions and deal with them. And if you’re not sure about what you’re feeling, just ask me and I’ll try to help.”

“Well, right now I’m feeling—” Dark began. But just then, they finally reached the very top of the spiral staircase. As they stepped onto the landing, f’loon turned to face them.

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