Page 94 of Magically Wild

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“A trap?” she echoed.

“We go back to the spot where you found her first and set out some candy.”

“But I already tried that, and she didn’t come!”


“Can we do some other kind of trap?” she ventured.

“Yes, we can.” Just because candy hadn’t worked, it didn’t mean something else wouldn’t, which meant—research time. The foundation of any artifact-slash-pet hunter worth their salt.

Taking out my phone, and glad to see we were within cell range, I called the best man on the planet.

“Hello, Maddie.”

As usual, Aidan’s deep rumble of a voice made my insides melt. He knew it, and he totally did it on purpose. As any proper boyfriend ought to do.

“Are you busy? I need to do some research.”

“Come to the Institute.”

I glanced at Lila. “I, uh, can’t go anywhere public at the moment.”

“What did you do this time?” he said with a long-suffering—and very insulting—sigh.


“Are you safe?”

“Yes. Greenie is with me.”

Greenie let out a woof.

“Wonderful,” Aidan said grimly. “Who did you piss off this time?”

“Nobody, I swear.”

Lila tugged at my sleeve. “Squibbit trap?” she whispered.

I nodded. “I need as much information as you can gather about Fae pets. What they like and how to trap them.”

“Did you find another Eye?”

“Nope, something different. Pretty please? It’s important.”

“Fine. Where do I meet you?”

“What about that ice-cream place we found the other day?” During one of our rare dates because Aidan lived for his work. Good thing I had plenty of friends, interests, and one Fae pet to keep me company.

“I thought you said you couldn’t go anywhere public.”

“Nowhere Fae-Fae public, if you know what I mean.”

“Sadly, I do. Be there in an hour.”

“See you there!”

Lila stared at her cup of mint choco-chip ice cream with huge eyes. I attacked mine with unconcealed gusto.
