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She liked him for that. “Thanks.” Turning, she slid her heels against the booth and leaned her back against it as well. She was fully visible, facing out, so any busy-bodies could clearly see her and know she wasn’t making out with a sexy stranger in public. Even though a naughty part of her wished she were.

She hadn’t realized quite how intimate even this casual position could be until she looked up at Damon, standing perpendicular to her shoulder. He was staring at the deepV of her sundress with outright lust in his eyes, which suddenly made her very grateful indeed that she had retained some serious curvage after she’d stopped breast-feeding Hank a few months ago.

“You are so fucking sexy,” he muttered.

He meant it. The sex god really meant it…about her, mouthy, silly little Allie Cavanaugh, the college dropout and inexperienced single mother who’d grown up in the shadow of her tall, perfect, blond-haired older sister.

Her legs shaking, she pressed her hands flat on the wall behind her. She was so out of her league here. Because instead of getting all seductive and flirtatious like a normal, experienced woman might, she wanted to do a happy dance that this amazing man wanted her. Then she’d rip off her clothes and let him have her.

Obviously realizing she had no idea how to respond, Damon cleared his throat and looked away. “Okay, we do need to talk, but I don’t want to give anybody anything more to say about you.”

Right. So ripping off her clothes was definitely out.

“Why don’t you go to your car, then come through the back gate of the lot. My camper’s the fifth on the left.”

His camper. His bed.

He might say he wanted to talk to her, but Allie was no fool. If he wanted merely to tell her what stupid, idiotic thing she’d done on stage, he could do it right here. They were a dozen feet away from the nearest wide-eyed, nosy onlooker, so they could be seen but not heard. Yet he didn’t do it.

“You want me to come to your camper just to talk?”

He shook his head, stepping closer, so that his silky shirt brushed her bare shoulder, and his pants caressed her leg. Her skin sizzled in both places as her head filled with his scent.

“No, I don’t just want to talk.” He leaned down, as if to whisper in her ear, but instead pressed a deliberate kiss on her temple. Light. Soft. But still so damned erotic that Allie almost slid down the side of the booth and melted onto the dusty ground.

“I want you to come so that I can touch you,” he whispered, the words flowing over her as smoothly as warm water.

Oh, God.

“So I can use my hands and my mouth on you. Take your clothes off slowly—piece by piece—almost shaking as I try to keep myself from ripping them off and having you immediately.”

Allie did start to sink then, sliding down the wall. Her feet probably would have gone out from under her if Damon hadn’t reached out and grabbed her hip, his arm stretched across her stomach as he tugged her back up. Inflaming her.

“Say you’ll come.”

Oh, she had no doubt she’d come if he did what he promised to. She’d been on the verge of climax since seeing his face on the side of that damn truck a week ago. Now she was almost out of her mind with the need to explode with pleasure in his arms.

“Say it.”

She shouldn’t, she knew that. How foolish would it be to have a one-night stand with someone totally out of her realm? A traveling carny who probably picked up a woman in every town.

But oh, was it tempting. Hank was safe at home with Miss Emily, her landlady, who absolutely adored the little boy. She’d already told Allie she would put him to bed in the crib she used when she babysat him during the day, and to not bother waking him up if she came in late. So she could come in late. Very late.

Damon’s warm hand rose, sliding from the curve of her hip up to the indentation of her waist. Then higher, until he was cupping her midriff, the tips of his fingers almost brushing the bottom of her aching, hypersensitive breast.


He was using that hypnotist voice on her, the command weighty and deliberate, accepting nothing but full capitulation.

And suddenly she couldn’t resist it anymore. She might only have one night, but that would be enough. Enough to sate the hunger. To fill the emptiness. To perhaps even begin to eradicate the memories of the last man who’d touched her intimately, then not only abandoned her and their unborn child, but had tried to hurt her and her sister.

“I’ll come,” she whispered, hearing the throaty want she couldn’t possibly disguise. “I promise.”

As if not trusting himself to speak, he stepped back. Spinning around, he walked away, in the direction of his camper, so sure she’d show up that he didn’t even say, “See you soon,” or “I’ll be waiting.” He demonstrated his certainty of her with every firm stride he took in the opposite direction.

Overbearing. Cocky. But, God, that confidence was sexy.

Allie knew she should find Tessa, but she didn’t want to deal with the knowing look she’d see on her friend’s face. Instead, she headed toward the parking lot, feeling as if she were floating over the ground rather than walking on it. Even the stares and whispers of a few people she recognized from the show earlier couldn’t deflate her mood or dampen her excitement.
