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He wanted to do so much more but wanted to be inside her now more than he wanted to live to see the sun rise. Her feverish demand only ratcheted up his own need to lose himself inside her.

Testing her and finding her drenched with readiness, he grabbed a condom from his pocket and covered himself. Then he thrust into her, sinking into her heat, feeling her wring every bit of pleasure from him she could.

They thrust and pounded. She scratched him, bit him. And he loved every minute of it. knew

Judging by her loud moans, so did she.

“Oh God, I’m coming,” she said as she arched to press her clit even harder against his pelvic bone. He’d been intentionally dragging against that beautiful spot, wanting her to come while he was inside her tight pussy. When she let out a little scream, and he felt her walls trembling against him deep inside, he knew she had. With one more hard thrust, he joined her in completion.

As they gasped to regain their breath, and their sanity, Damon tugged her into his arms and stood. Carrying her to his bed, he dropped her onto it, then climbed in with her, curling his arm possessively around her waist. “More. Soon.”

She didn’t reply, just kissed his jaw and ran her hand over his chest as if she were memorizing his body. And that’s how he fell asleep—with the feel of her hand, the brush of her lips.

He dozed briefly, for minutes, an hour at most. When he opened his eyes, he found himself alone in the bed. Beside him, on the pillow, was a small, dirty piece of paper, crumpled and torn. He instantly knew what it was. Her note. The one she said she’d left for him. Something told him he didn’t want to read it.

“Allie?” he called, not believing she’d left without waking him. She had to be in the tiny bathroom of the camper. Had to be.

He was greeted with nothing but silence. So much for promises that she’d never again leave without telling him why.

Left with no other option, he reached for the note. As he read the few words, his heart pounded and his vision swam, things becoming brutally clear.

“Oh, my God,” he whispered, groaning as he thought of everything he’d said to her a few hours ago on the Ferris wheel. He’d crushed her—pushed her away without even realizing it.

She’d kept her promise. She’d explained to him why she was leaving. He knew where she’d gone. He knew why she’d gone.

And he knew one more thing…he couldn’t go after her.

Chapter 9

One month later

“YOU’RE SURE YOU won’t change your mind and stay?”

Allie glanced up at Mortimer, who’d popped his head into the small office she used when working at his enormous house. He’d invited her to stay for dinner, since one of his grandsons—the youngest one, the sexy New York cop—was coming into town. Allie had met the guy last year at Sabrina’s wedding and, like every other woman there, had melted over the groom’s two brothers. Especially Mike, the gruff cop, who looked as if he’d rather be beating up bad guys than wearing a tux.

She wasn’t swooning over other guys now, though. She greatly feared she’d been ruined for life, having found the man who was perfect for her in every way but one.

He didn’t want her child.

“No, thanks. I really just want to get home to the baby. He’s cutting another tooth, and he was very cranky last night. I’m sure Miss Emily’s had her hands full today.”

“I doubt she minds, my dear,” Mortimer said as he entered the office, closing the door behind him. He watched her, remaining silent, which wasn’t like him at all, since the man was usually very talkative, telling stories of his adventures if there was nothing else to talk about.

“Is there something else you need?”

He cleared his throat. “Your forgiveness.”

“What on Earth for?”

His hands clasped behind his back, he paced the room. “For pushing you at someone who hurt you,” he finally admitted.

She and Mortimer had already talked about his matchmaking efforts. He had, after all, been the one in whose arms she’d cried that night after she’d left Damon sleeping in his trailer.

As the weeks had gone by, she’d thought more and more about that last night. She’d been frenzied and selfish, desperately taking whatever she could get from him sexually. Already mourning what she knew would happen, she’d been determined to capture one more moment in his arms before she walked away from him for good.

Maybe she’d been a coward to just leave the note, rather than telling him herself. But it wasn’t cowardice or nervousness that had made her do it. It had been the certainty of his reaction. She knew what she’d see in his face the moment she told Damon she had a son—disbelief, anger and, ultimately, rejection. And she couldn’t bear to witness those awful feelings, not in his eyes. Not when they were caused by his hearing about her perfect, beautiful little boy.

Knowing her original note to him would be all the explanation he needed about why she’d left, she’d slipped away while he slept, crying with every step she took. She had no doubt he’d gotten the note this time. His silence had confirmed it.
