Page 11 of Tempt Me More

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“You want to be a firefighter?” Hunter asks.

“Or maybe he means he wants to be a lawyer and fight for the wrongfully convicted like his mama,” Cressida says.

Tate shakes his head. “I want to be a wrestler, like on TV.” He grins a devilish grin, showcasing two missing front teeth.

“Well, you have the smile for it,” I say with a laugh.

Cressida sighs. “He has your smile… and your sense of humor, too.”

I laugh, squeezing her into a hug. “Is that so bad?”

“No,” she says, smiling. “But maybe this next one will be more like me.”

I stare at her. “We’re having another baby?”

She nods, tears glistening in her eyes. “We are.”

“We’re having another baby!” I shout to the applause of our family and friends.
