Page 54 of Dark Angel

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Tempest is all confidence and calculated appeal, a stark contrast to the chaos churning inside me. Today, she's clad in a navy-blue designer suit that clings to her curves, the fabric barely containing her ample cleavage. The suit, cut to accentuate her hourglass figure, leaves little to the imagination, with just a hint of black lace peeking out from under the jacket, a deliberate tease. Her blonde hair falls in soft waves around her shoulders, framing a face that's as striking as it is calculating. Despite my efforts to remain indifferent, the sight of her, so assured and blatantly sensual, unnerves me more than usual. And makes me want Rayne. I slam shut the thought.

The familiarity of Tempest’s seductive charm, which once could easily draw me out of my darkest moods, now feels unsettlingly hollow. The woman has the personality of an iceberg, but her glacial calculation without whatever filter blinded me to it no longer appeals. Rayne's vibrant presence in my life has filled me with a depth of emotion I hadn't anticipated, leaving little room for the emptiness Tempest represents.

The stark realization that what once satisfied me now leaves me cold, serves as a stark mirror to the changes within me. Rayne's influence, her undeniable warmth and complexity, has begun to thaw the ice I didn't realize had encased my heart. Next to her genuine brightness, Tempest's allure dims, a reminder of a path I no longer wish to walk. This shift, unsettling as it is, forces me to confront the depth of my feelings for Rayne, recognizing that what I crave now is not the distraction of the flesh, but the connection of souls. A connection with Rayne I just fucked up.

"Jaden, let's grab a drink and talk strategy.” Tempest’s voice, dripping with a promise of familiar distractions, sends a ripple of unease through me. Indulging in her allure, once a refuge, now feels like a stark betrayal of the connection I've unexpectedly found with Rayne. And yet, such thoughts are dangerous, forbidden. I need to quash them—immediately. Rayne and I . . . whatever we had, I've likely destroyed. Choking a woman will do that. It’s not the first time my PTSD has hijacked a moment, turning a potential connection into wreckage. And it likely won’t be the last. Each time, it’s as though I’m a bystander to my own life, watching helplessly as the darkness within lashes out, destroying what I dare to care for. With Rayne, it feels like I’ve not just crossed a line—I’ve obliterated it, leaving a chasm between who I want to be for her and who I am.

"Tempest, now's not a good time." The words come out icier than I meant, a reflexive barrier against her seduction. The thought of her touch, once a balm, now feels like it would erase the last traces of Rayne from my skin, from my soul. The shudder that runs through me isn't from desire—it's from the cold realization of what I stand to lose, what I may have already lost.

Undeterred, she smirks, misunderstanding my reluctance for reticence. "A 'good time' is exactly what you need.” She air quotes the two words before stepping closer, the challenge in her eyes clear.

I'm torn between the ease of falling back into old patterns and the newfound resolve Rayne has inspired within me. "Not today, Tempest. I've got too much on my mind.” I hope like hell to convey the finality of my decision.

She pauses, then leans in closer, her calculated movements ensuring her cleavage is nearly impossible to ignore, a deliberate tease that sends a wave of her seductive scent my way. It momentarily slices through the guilt, a siren call to my basest instincts. "Alright, if not a drink, then let's at least talk strategy. No strings attached.” Her voice purrs a soft caress that knows just how to stir my desire. Maybe this is exactly what I need to distract myself. My power surges in protest, a silent sentinel loyal to Rayne, I forcibly shut it down. Not now, not when I'm teetering on the edge of losing myself.

The offer tempts me as much as her attitude annoys. She’ll be a momentary escape from the weight of my actions, a way to stop the noise for awhile. Yet, as Tempest encroaches upon my personal space, a part of me recoils. Being with Rayne has sparked a change, one that I'm still grappling with. I crave peace, time to think. Maybe a session with Tempest is just what I need—a familiar routine of Stoli to numb the demons and empty my mind enough for my libido to take over, or until oblivion claims me. With the alcohol as with life, I meticulously control the descent into numbness, making the shadows recede, if only for a while.

“She’s got you pussy whipped, Jaden.” The sneer in my mother’s voice slices through my thoughts, a reminder of the standards I need to uphold. This thing with Rayne, it's clouding my judgment, challenging the very essence of my autonomy.

I feel a tension grip my jaw, a turmoil swirling within. Flashbacks of Rayne, vibrant and unfiltered, clash starkly with the facade I've upheld for what feels like eternity. It's a jarring reminder. I've laid my cards on the table with Rayne, never sugarcoating the reality of my views on love, commitment, and the walls I've built around my heart. My hands clench, not out of anger, but as an emblem of the resolutions I've made, the solitary path I've steadfastly walked. A deep breath steadies me, less about bracing for impact and more a reaffirmation of the autonomy I've prized above all. We're both free agents. It's time to remind me and my power about just that.

I glance towards the door, half expecting, half hoping Rayne might burst in at any moment, an interruption I'd welcome. But the doorway remains empty. I nod in reluctant agreement to Tempest's proposition. "Alright, let's talk strategy. But only a drink.” As I speak them, the reluctant words taste like defeat. Tempest's eyes light up, a predator sensing the weakening resolve of her prey. She moves closer, invading my personal space with a familiarity that once comforted but now feels intrusive.

Her hand finds its way to my shoulder, her touch igniting a familiar trail of warmth that once would have led me down the path of least resistance. "That's all I'm asking for, Jaden. A drink, a chat, nothing you haven't done before.” Her breath is a mixture of temptation and challenge. Her closeness, once a beacon, now serves as a stark reminder of the crossroads at which I stand, the choice between the fleeting solace of old habits and the daunting, uncharted territory that Rayne represents.

I manage a stiff nod, the action more automatic than intentional. As Tempest smiles, satisfied with her victory, a part of me recoils, mourning the loss of the progress I thought I'd made. But I’ve made up my mind, and as we head towards the Amber Star hotel's bar, I steel myself for the evening ahead, a temporary escape from the turmoil that Rayne's presence has stirred within me.

The bar is quiet as staff get ready for the Happy Hour crowd. Tempest leads us to a dim corner set up with plush armchairs around a low table. Settling into one, she signals the server and orders two Stoli and two shots of tequila with a Sangria chaser. Irritation needles through me at her refusal to respect my boundaries, but I say nothing. Just down one of the drinks before settling back in my chair.

Tempest intersperses inconsequential aspects of our next mission with cutesy seductive behavior—a finger trailed up my arm here, a burst of cleavage in my face there as she leans forward to brush a nonexistent something from my cheek, but my thoughts are elsewhere as the hours drift by. With Rayne. Her laughter, her energy, her cute ass, the way she's turned my world upside down. I let more Stoli wash through me. Tempest's words fade into background noise, a dull hum compared to the vividness of my fantasies] about Rayne. I let one of them play through my mind until I can feel the softness of her warm flesh under my hands.

And then, as if summoned by my thoughts, I feel a surge of emotion through our bond—curiosity, happiness, a bright spark that momentarily dispels the darkness enveloping me. It's Rayne, her essence reaching out to me, a balm to the tumult inside. I look around the crowded bar, startled. I’m loaded and Tempest sits in my lap. Fuck. It happened again. Another blackout. Fuck!

That thought has barely formed when the mood shifts. A wave of jealousy, sharp and sudden, cuts through me. Rayne sees us. Sees me. Sees Tempest draping her arms around my neck and shoving her tongue down my throat.

The bond between Rayne and me flares with more jealousy, hurt, a sense of betrayal so profound it feels like a physical blow. And in that moment, I make a choice, one born of panic, of a desperate need to sever the connection that's become too intense, too real.

I shut down the bond, a deliberate act that leaves me feeling cold, empty. And as Tempest leans in, her lips seeking mine, I respond, not out of desire, but out of a misguided attempt to escape the intensity of what I feel for Rayne. It's a hollow act, a poor imitation of connection, and it leaves me feeling more alone than ever.

As I kiss Tempest, the confusion and conflict within me grow. Part of me knows this is a mistake, a betrayal of the connection I share with Rayne, yet another part clings to the illusion of control it offers. It's a momentary escape, a way to prove I'm still my own person, not entirely consumed by my feelings for Rayne.

But even as I try to lose myself in the act, the hollowness of the connection strikes me with a jarring clarity. Mindless sex, the physical act devoid of emotional depth, leaves me feeling emptier than ever before. Rayne has irrevocably altered my perception, illustrating the profound difference between mere physicality and genuine connection. And here I am, ensnared with Tempest, engulfed in a desolation so profound it's suffocating.

The realization slices through me with the sharpness of a knife, a bitter acknowledgment of the emotional depths I've plunged with Rayne and the stark void I now find myself in with Tempest. It's a pivotal moment, a dark night of the soul where I'm forced to confront the harsh truth of my desires and fears. The clarity that emerges is piercing—I yearn for Rayne, not for the fleeting escape she offers, but for the tangible, visceral connection we share.

Yet, the bitter irony is that I've pushed her away, perhaps irrevocably so. The act of pushing Tempest away now seems an insurmountable task, a betrayal of the bond I've so carelessly fractured with Rayne. Each kiss, each touch, drives home the realization that I've never felt more alienated, more adrift.

As Tempest’s seduction escalates, my participation becomes rote, an automaton going through the motions. The bar's laughter and chatter, once a backdrop to my escapades, now underscore my isolation, my divergence from the path I truly desire. Catching a glimpse of Rayne at the bar, surrounded yet alone, her defiant gaze locks with mine—a silent challenge, a mirror of the tumult raging within me.

Her eyes, a tempest of emotions, convey betrayal and defiance, a clear message that she won't be sidelined. The acknowledgment is a gut punch, a visceral acknowledgment of the schism I've caused. And as I mechanically select floggers, preparing for a scene devoid of desire, the facade crumbles. Tempest, once a symbol of escape, now epitomizes the chasm between me and Rayne—a chasm my actions have only widened.

It's Rayne. It's always been Rayne. Her laughter, her resilience, her unerring ability to peer through the masks I wear—she's the one I've been searching for, the one I need. Yet, in a moment of folly, I've betrayed her trust, and by extension, my own heart.

The realization is both a torment and a revelation. As I stand on the precipice of action, the clarity of my need for Rayne clashes with the immediacy of my mistake. The path forward is murky, laden with the debris of my actions. Yet, the undeniable truth remains—I want Rayne, for all she is, for the connection that transcends the superficial. In the act of betrayal, I've only illuminated the depth of my feelings for her, a paradox that leaves me reeling and uncertain of the way forward.


