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Retrieving it, I see my dad’s name on the screen and quickly answer while placing the coffeepot back in the machine. “Dad, hey.”

“Hey, kid,” he replies. His voice sounds bad—reallybad.

“How are you feeling?” I ask, keeping my back to the family.

“Like shit.” He tries to laugh, but it only makes him cough. I wince at how wet and deep into his chest the sound is.

“I’m coming to see you today,” I state. “I’ll leave as soon as I finish my coffee.”

“I’d like that a lot, son,” he replies. “Bring that new family of yours. I want to meet them.”

My eyes widen as I stare straight ahead. Glancing behind me, I notice Briar watching with concern.

“I don’t know about that, Dad. I’m sure they’re busy today.”

My dad responds with a disgruntled hum, but he doesn’t push the issue anymore.

“I’ll be there in a couple of hours. Want me to bring you anything? You must be dying for some Whataburger.”

“You know I’ll never turn down a burger,” he replies, breaking out in another coughing fit. “But just a little one. I can’t eat much these days. Don’t have the stomach for it.”

“Okay. You got it. See you soon.”

“See you soon.”

When I hang up the phone, the kitchen is silent. Taking my cup of coffee to the table, I sit down, and Abby bounces excitedly on her chair. “Do you ever sit still?” I ask, smiling over the rim of my mug.

“No, she doesn’t,” Briar replies warmly.

Turning toward her, I admire how beautiful she looks today. Something about her lazy smile and relaxed demeanor makes her even more stunning than she was the day I met her. It’s as if she’s more at ease now.

Do I give that to her? Do I make her happy?

The same goes for Caleb. He smiles more than he used to. Even with the shit show that is his father’s case, he’s not so tense about his family or his marriage.

They did ask me to help them. I’ve done that, haven’t I?

“How is your dad?” Briar asks gently.

Looking down at my coffee, I reply, “He sounds bad. I don’t know how much time he has left.”

“I’m sorry,” she says, placing her hand on mine.

“I wish I knew how to help or what to give him. He’s done everything for me. Raised me by himself. He’s been my only family.”

“If it were me,” Caleb adds as he sits in the seat across from me, placing the bacon and eggs in the middle of the table. “I’d want to know my family is going to be okay. That would bring me peace.”

I shrug. “My dad knows I’ll be okay. I’ve always been independent. I can take care of myself.”

“I’m sure he knows that,” Briar responds as she passes out breakfast plates, giving me a soft smile.

We dish up our food, and I can’t stop thinking about my dad and what Caleb said. How do I convince him that I’ll be okay? I’ll put on a brave face today. I’ll be strong for him so he knows he doesn’t have to worry about me.

Would I worry about my child if I knew they were going to be alone after I left? Even if they knew how to take care of themself, would that be enough?

As I glance around the table, my eyes land on Abby. She’s grinning up at Briar as she tells her a story. Briar reaches over and brushes her hair out of her face.

And I realize what I have to do.
