Page 13 of Temp Defense

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Jarol looked at her in surprise. “It’s your birthday? Did you have plans?”

“No. Just special ramen today. The kind in the bowl with more than one packet.” She took the knife that Sarah had left.

“Aren’t you going to blow out the candles?” he asked.

“I was going to offer you a slice and didn’t want to spray the cake.”

He chuckled. “It’s tradition. Close your eyes, make a wish, and blow out the candles.”

She smiled, flicked a glance at him, then closed her eyes, and made a wish about finding someone like him to spend time with. He felt so blissfully normal.

She opened her eyes and blew out the candles. Her bracelets flared bright, and she felt something in her shift and settle. Monster rubbed against her legs.

The cake was strawberry and cream, with two layers with bright candles on top. She plucked the candles out and set them on the edge of the plate. She cut herself a piece of cake and then cut a slice for Jarol.

She slid it over to him. “There you go.”

He grinned. “She never makes cake for me anymore. She must really like you.”

“I am glad. This cake is excellent. She put pudding in the middle.” Haley smiled.

“This is the first time I have had this kind of strawberry cake.”

“Me, too. I like it.”

Sarah brought in coffee, and they sat next to each other in silence. Finally, Jarol said, “If you weren’t stuck in the city, where would you go?”

She smiled and looked up. “Anywhere, everywhere. I would love to see the world, but things don’t always follow your wishes. I can dream of the moon but settle for seeing the stars from my window.”

She finished her coffee and said, “I am sorry, but I have to get some rest. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day.”

He nodded. “Of course.”

She looked at him and smiled. “Thank you.”

“Happy birthday.”

She nodded and was going to bring her cup back to the kitchen when Sarah came out. “Put it down. Get to bed. Sleep well, miss.”


Sarah smiled. “Miss Haley.”

Haley sighed. “Thank you for dinner and the cake. It was really tasty and much appreciated.”

Sarah waved her off.

Haley smiled and headed back upstairs to the bedroom with Monster at her side. She dug through the clothes and found a T-shirt to sleep in.

A quick brush of her teeth and scrubbing of her face and she was back in bed, wearing the circlet and bracelets. She hoped they liked getting wet because she was going to shower when she woke up.

“Ow, ow, ow. Fucking ow.” Haley tried to get up, but Monster was sitting on her.

The heavy purr then came from beside her, and she slowly turned her head. “Damn. That’s...” She pushed the bedding back with superhuman effort.

Her arms were dotted with bruises, long slashes, and huge pools of colour. “Monster? Did you see what did this?”

There was another purr, and she huffed, pushing the sheets back and putting her feet on the floor. “Double fuck. When did that happen?”
