Page 14 of Temp Defense

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She stared down at the anklets that were part of the set and groaned. “Shower. Now.”

Haley forced herself to her feet and staggered to the bathroom. She set the shower for nearly scalding hot and got in.

Her body wanted to move away from the hot water, but she held her ground, and her muscles gradually relaxed.

She was moving slowly by the time she brushed out her hair under the circlet and put on a set of sweats.

It wasn’t even seven in the morning, so she was hoping that she would be able to get a cup of coffee before she had to deal with whatever had happened to her overnight.

Some things needed to be faced with coffee.

Chapter Four

Sarah was in the kitchen, and when she turned to smile at Haley, the smile faded. “Miss, what happened?”

“I have no idea, but two more artifacts are locked on me right now.” Haley smiled hopefully. “Is there coffee?”

“Yes. Sit at the island.” Sarah moved around and filled a cup with coffee.

“Monster’s hungry.”

“Of course, dear. You drink your coffee. What happened?”

“I don’t know. I woke up this way.”

“Someone struck your head.”

“Oh, that explains the throbbing cheek.”


“No idea. I slept heavily and woke exhausted.” She sipped at the coffee. “And super bruised up.”

Sarah fed Monster and then got some ice and made a compress. “I am glad you are more casual today, miss.”

“There was no way I was wearing heels if I didn’t have to.”

Sarah held the compress to Haley’s cheek. Haley took over.

“There are security cameras in the halls. They will be able to find out who did this.”

Mr. Tangero walked in. “Why the hell did you beat up my men?”

Haley sipped at her coffee. “I did what now?”

He shoved a tablet in front of her that showed her in her tee, beating the hell out of three warlocks on the landing.

She finished her coffee, and Sarah refilled it. “Let me guess. They were trying to stop me.”

Sarah paused. “Where were you going?”

Haley shrugged. “Not a clue. All I know is that I am really glad I sleep with panties on.”

Mr. Tangero frowned. “What do you mean? Not about the underwear. Where were you going?”

“Dunno. I was asleep. I had dinner, went to bed, and woke up beat to hell.”

She looked at the fight again. “I was heading down to the lab.”
