Page 101 of Deals and Daggers

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That sent my chest fluttering. Natalie had come along with me for the two months I had left this place, had left Alek and Night Raven. She was obviously in love with Wrath, but she would never leave me alone to deal with my parents and the goddess shit.

She was too good of a friend.

But now that we were back, Natalie hadn’t spent a single minute separated from him.

I didn’t blame her. I knew the feeling.

“What other perks come along with being bonded?” I teased, letting him recline me on the couch and slide his hand up my torso.

“Heightened emotions, increased sensitivity to one’s touch.” He slid a thumb beneath my bra, forcing me to suck in a breath. “And loyalty like no one else can ever comprehend.”

I let him kiss me then, let him push his mouth against mine and cover my body with his. Loyalty. That’s what all of this was, wasn’t it? Loyalty, trust, love. These things were so, deeply important, not just to the Night Ravens but to us. To Alek and I, to our relationship.

I had only been back a week, but I could already tell I would never want to spend another waking moment without him.

Whatever we had to deal with, whatever demon business he had or whatever was needed to protect the veil, we would do it all together.

I kissed Alek back, making up for all the time we had spent apart over the last two months. I kissed him like his touch would bring me back to life, like every second without him caused me pain.

I pushed his jacket off his shoulders, then his shirt, revealing the old bite mark on his neck.

“I guess now that the veil is closed we won’t be drinking each other’s blood anymore,” I breathed, brushing my lips against his exposed skin.

“Maybe we don’t have to,” he mumbled as he pulled my lower lip between his teeth. “But we can sure as hell have some fun, anyway.”

And we did. Alek’s body lit me aflame just like it always did, almost as if no time had passed between us at all.

Maybe it was our bond, or maybe it was because he was the only man I would ever want to be with in this world.

Alek saw a part of me I was terrified to ever admit to myself. He kept me grounded, kept me good.

And I would spend every day for the rest of our lives loving him just as fiercely as he loved me.
