Page 81 of Deals and Daggers

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“Keep fighting and this pretty one gets a bullet between her eyes. Understand?”

I choked on my words and went rigid. There was a slight possibility that they were lying. There was a slight chance that they weren’t going to touch Lyra. But unfortunately for us, that wasn’t a chance I was willing to take.

I quit fighting them and let them lead us further and further into the forest.

Yeah. They were all going to fucking die.

We marched for half an hour, maybe longer, until we finally reached a clearing in the woods. I had never wandered out here before, though miles and miles of forest and nothingness surrounded the lake house. That was one of the draws to it: the seclusion.

Not anymore.

Lyra hadn’t woken up. There was a small trickle of blood dripping from a wound on her temple that made rage course through my veins every time I saw it. The rage was stronger than the hunger that rolled through me, the cravings.

Then the idiot demons who took us set her on the ground with her back against the tree, using a rope to tie her wrists.

They did the same to me, though they reinforced the simple rope with a thick chain, securing my wrists tighter than they needed to.

My shoulders burned from the pressure of the tree bark, but I ignored it. At least I could see Lyra.

“Now that we’re comfortable,” I started, “are you going to tell us what the hell we’re doing here?”

Nobody answered us. In fact, once they had secured us both, the small group of them stood aimlessly in the clearing.

Waiting for something. Or someone.

“What’s going on?” I asked again. Damn, I was beginning to lose my patience. “Do you work for her? Did Theia send you?”

One of the smaller demons in the back of the group laughed.

“I’ll take it from here,” a familiar voice echoed through the woods.

My father.

“Marcus.” My lips curled over my teeth in a snarl. “What are you doing? Let us go!”

“I needed to get you two alone. I apologize for the brute force.” He sauntered into the clearing, his hands clasped behind his back.

The other demons in the group parted ways as he moved to stand between me and Lyra. My father stood before me in all-black clothing. He’d recently cut his hair, making him look younger and more powerful, as did the two guns and knife strapped to his hip. I hadn’t seen him dress like this since he was the king of demons, leader of the Night Ravens.

But that was before Wrath was brought back. That was before Marcus handed over his reign.

My gaze flickered to the other demons who stood around.

These were demons from other legions. Not Night Ravens.

Marcus was working with our enemies.

“This must be a joke,” I breathed in disbelief.

He smirked. “This isn’t a joke, son. Not in the slightest.”

“Are you building a—building an army? Is that what this is about? You’re working with the surrounding demons?” I sputtered.

Marcus tilted his head to the sky and took a long breath. “I can’t say I’ve been looking forward to this moment. You and Wrath were supposed to be stronger than this, but unfortunately, there have been other factors I needed to consider before I slipped away into retirement from the Night Ravens.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

His eyes met mine again. “It means you and your brother were not the men I raised you both to be.”
