Page 90 of Blue Line Lust

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“She’s fine. She’s just scared, Reese.”

Finally, I look to Violet. “Scared” is an understatement; she looks terrified. Eyes wide. Face red. Crying hysterically.

I did that. I put those tears there.

How many times had my father done the same to me? I can hear the echoes of his anger even now. And the worst part is…

I sound just like him.

With the way I’m going, I’ll make Violet hate me in no time.

So I do the only thing I can do: I leave without saying another damn word.



Guilt floods me. I just wanted Reese to have a good day with Violet. Now, judging by the horror in his eyes, his soul is on fire.

He turns and runs out of the room.


But he doesn’t slow or stop. His footsteps recede until I know he’s going. Then his bedroom door slams, and I know he’s gone.

I sigh miserably and turn my attention to Violet, who’s rapidly going downhill. I rock and shush and sing to her until her wails soften into little blubbers, and more until even those quiet and she’s quiet in my arms.

“See, it’s nothing serious, sweetheart. You’re okay. Just gotta get your daddy to understand that.”

Not long after that, she’s asleep.

“I know, I know,” I coo over her as she murmurs in her sleep. I tuck her patchwork elephant close to her. “Your daddy’s stubborn. I’ve never met a man quite so hard-headed. But he’s a good guy. We both know that. We just have to get him to see it…”

He won’t be like his father. I saw that fear in his face. The nightmare of feeling like you’re stuck on the one path you swore you’d never walk. I know that fear. I’ve lived that fear. I’ve run from that fear.

Once Violet is asleep, it’s time to hunt for Reese. The house is silent as a grave. It’s like no one even lives here.

“Reese?” I call.

No answer.

Maybe he left? No, that doesn’t make sense. I didn’t hear the front door. So I go to his room.

The first thing I notice is the door wide open. Next is a draft that I’ve never felt before. My attention is immediately caught by the open window. Reese’s curtains flow and flutter in the evening breeze. Shivering, goosebumps all up my arms, I suddenly freeze.

He… he wouldn’t. Would he?

Panic forces my feet to move at a breakneck speed. I’m at the window in record time, head shoved out of it.

“Reese? Reese!”

I search frantically, but I don’t see him on the ground.


“I’m up here.”

I startle and only barely bite back my scream. His voice comes from… above? I stick my head out the window further and realize that I can’t see him unless I climb out on the ledge just outside of it.
