Page 37 of Balancing Act

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“Yep, perfect time for it. Sun’s about to set any minute.”

I nodded, looking at Eryn, who appeared to not want to get in between mother and son.

“Sure then. Eryn, would you like to come see Mason’s natural hot spring?”

“Yes, I’d love to.”

She hopped up from her seat before my mother could suggest I hold her damn hand, and we walked off to the woods behind the house.

The walk to the hot spring was quiet, the sounds of nature surrounding us. I could feel Eryn's presence beside me, her steps light and sure on the uneven ground. As we neared the clearing where steam rose lazily into the cooling evening air, I couldn't help but steal glances at her profile.

“Sorry about her,” I said, gesturing back to the yard with a nod of my head. “She can’t help herself.”

Eryn laughed. “Oh, it’s not a problem. Your mom is really sweet. Your grandma too.”

“Oh, Gran is a character.”

“Seems like it. I think I love her.”

“She’s easy to love.”


As the sounds of laughter and music faded into the distance, we entered a serene clearing surrounded by towering pines. The air was rich with the earthy scent of pine needles and the promise of twilight. The natural hot spring bubbled at the edge of the clearing, steam rising lazily into the cooling evening air.

Eryn's amber eyes were wide with wonder as she took in the sight before us. The natural pool gleamed invitingly under the fading light, surrounded by rocks and trees. She turned to me, a smile playing on her lips.

“It's beautiful,” she breathed, her voice hushed in reverence. She knelt by the edge of the pool, trailing her fingers in the warm water.

“Yeah, it's one of the hidden gems around here. Not many people know about it. It’s Mason’s property, which was abandoned for years before he bought it. But he doesn’t tell anyone this is here or else all the neighborhood teens would show up at all hours.”

“Oh, I bet.” She stood up, shaking off her hand and wiping it on her dress.

I cleared my throat, suddenly aware of how close we were standing.

“If it were mine, I wouldn’t tell anyone about it either,” Eryn said, her gaze lingering on the steam rising from the hot spring. Her amber eyes met mine, and for a moment, everything else faded away.

I couldn't help but notice the way her hair caught the dying light, a halo of warmth around her. “Yeah, well, some things are better kept hidden, I reckon,” I replied, my tone gruffer than I intended.

She tilted her head slightly, a curious glint in her eyes. “Secrets have a way of making things more intriguing sometimes.” Her voice was soft, almost like she was sharing a secret of her own.

I found myself nodding in agreement. “That they do.” The tension between us crackled like leaves underfoot, each word hanging heavy in the air. I wanted to look away, to break whatever spell had settled over us, but I couldn't tear my gaze from hers.

The silence stretched between us, charged with an unspoken question. Eryn's gaze flickered down to my lips for a split second before meeting my eyes again, a mischievous glint dancing in her amber depths. Without thinking, I closed the distance between us, the heat from the hot spring mingling with the warmth radiating off her skin.

Her breath hitched as I cupped her cheek, my thumb caressing the soft curve of her jaw. The world around us seemed to fade into the background, leaving only the two of us standing on the cusp of something unknown and intoxicating. I could feel her heartbeat quicken beneath my touch, matching the rapid pace of my own pulse.

“Eryn,” I murmured, my voice rough with unspoken desire. Her name tasted like a prayer on my lips as I leaned in, giving her a chance to pull away if she wanted. But she didn't move; instead, she tilted her head ever so slightly, inviting me closer.

Our lips met in a searing kiss, the kind that felt like it could set the world on fire. Eryn's hand came up to rest against my chest, her touch sending a jolt of electricity through me. The warmth of her lips against mine was like a revelation, igniting a hunger that I didn't know I had.

I brought my other hand to her waist, pulling her closer to me, feeling our bodies connect. Her soft curves against my hard plains had me reeling. I wanted to rip this pretty little dress off. I wanted to touch her everywhere. I wanted to claim her in a way that made it so she would never be another man’s again.

She pulled at my shirt, sighing into my mouth, begging for more. I recklessly wanted to give it to her, right here in the woods behind Mason’s house. But she deserved better.

I wrapped my hand in her hair, dipping her head back to taste every inch of her neck. At the sound of someone calling her name, I groaned, nipping her skin before pulling away, leaving us both gasping for breath.

Eryn's amber eyes met mine with a mixture of surprise and longing. The air sparked with unspoken words as we stood there, both trying to catch our breath and make sense of what had just transpired.
