Page 4 of Balancing Act

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“Alright, whatever. Just know that we’re going away for a wellness retreat, not to show off our sparkly boots at any honky-tonks.”

Her eyes widened and she bounced with glee. “Oh my god, we have to find a honky-tonk.”

Enzo’s eyebrows furrowed. “What is this honky-tonk?”

“I’ll fill you in on the plane,” Zaya said, curling her arm into his and leading him to the steps of the private jet.

I grabbed my tote from the trunk and took a deep breath, allowing myself to acknowledge the little thrum of nerves in the pit of my stomach. This was a vacation, a retreat with my friends to relax and enjoy a bit of nature. But it was so much more. It meant so much more. It’s just that no one else knew it.

“Ms. Blake?” a porter appeared at my side, extending a hand out for the tote I had over my shoulder. “May I take your bag?”

“Oh, no thanks, I’ve got it, Mike,” I said, at a quick look at his nametag. I smiled and closed the door of the Uber Lux that I’d taken to the private airport. The driver wasted no time speeding away, and I followed Mike to the jet that awaited me.

As I stepped onto the private jet, the scent of luxury engulfed me. The plush leather seats, the polished wood accents, and the soft lighting all exuded opulence. It was a stark contrast to the rugged wilderness we were headed towards. But that was the beauty of this retreat—getting back to basics, surrounding ourselves with nature rather than extravagance.

I settled into my seat, taking in the familiar faces of my friends. Skylar had already made herself comfortable, flipping through a fashion magazine with a bored expression. Enzo sat beside her, his eyes gleaming with curiosity as he listened intently to Zaya's animated explanation about honky-tonks.

The engines of the jet roared to life as we taxied down the runway and I leaned back in my seat, feeling a sense of anticipation wash over me. Everything I’d been working for might be coming to fruition. The unknown terrified me, but that was part of the appeal. To try something new. To do something scary.

I heard the digital click of a camera shutter.

“Content opportunity,” Enzo called as he snapped a photo of me.

“Get all your photos in now, because I will be taking away your phones soon enough,” I said with a laugh.

Enzo gasped and started typing frantically. A moment later, my own phone pinged with a notification. Thank you, in-flight WiFi. I opened up Instagram and saw Enzo's post—my own image, reclined in the leather chair, my relaxed floral maxi dress popping against the bland cream background of the jet walls. The caption caught my eye.

Don't be fooled: this angelic looking devil is threatening to take my phone away. Please save me. #sendhelp #montanaherewecome

“Hilarious. You'll be thanking me when you have the best sleep of your life.”

“I will probably get a rash from the withdrawals.”

I chuckled, looking out at the vast expanse of blue sky through the window. “Oh, always so dramatic.”

Skylar smirked and leaned forward, her gaze fixed on Enzo. “You know, Enzo, I heard there might be some really cute cowboys in Montana. Maybe they can keep you entertained instead.”

Enzo shot her a playful glare before glancing at me with a mischievous glint in his eyes. “Well, I suppose I'll have to see for myself. But don't worry, Skylar, you'll always be my number one cowboy.”

Enzo shrieked as Sky threw a pillow at his head. I reclined my seat and settled in, the familiar bickering of my best friends lulling me to sleep.



Four hours later, we picked up our rental Jeep from the small craft airport outside city limits. After a short drive that had everyone ooh-ing and ah-ing at the scenery, we found ourselves in the heart of Whittier Falls. The town looked paused in time with its quaint storefronts and friendly nods from locals.

We parked along what looked like the main street. As I hopped out of the driver’s seat, I inhaled deeply, reveling in the combination of pine, fresh mountain air, and something sweet from the bakery on the corner.

“My God, that smells good. What is that?” Skylar asked, stealing the thoughts from my own head.

I inhaled deeply again. “It smells like s’mores.”

The Campfire Bakery was just a few steps away, the aroma of freshly baked bread and sweet treats beckoning me closer. The building itself was adorned with wooden panels, giving it a cozy, rustic charm. As we approached the entrance, the sound of laughter and chatter spilled out onto the sidewalk, welcoming us inside.

The interior of the bakery was just as inviting as the scent that had drawn us in. Warm lighting cast a golden glow on the exposed brick walls, and a crackling fireplace crackled in the corner, surrounded by cozy armchairs and plush cushions. A beautiful but relaxed blonde woman stood behind the counter, talking animatedly to some of the locals.

“Can we just move in here? Forever?” Zaya joked, her eyes scanning the display case filled with delectable pastries and desserts.

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