Page 58 of Balancing Act

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“Gray,” I murmured, reaching out to lay a gentle hand on his arm, feeling the solid muscle beneath his shirt. “You're doing an incredible job. This place—it's more than just land and animals. It's a legacy, and you're honoring it every day.”

His gaze finally met mine, and there was a vulnerability in those clear blue depths that I'd never seen before. “Sometimes I think the only thing I'm good at is workin’ the ranch. I can do the labor. I can work until my hands are raw. Beyond that? I'm just a cowboy standing in the shadow of a great man.”

“Hey,” I chided softly, “you're your own man, Gray. And you're one hell of a rancher. Don't sell yourself short. Your mom and gran are proud of you. I know your father would be too.”

For a moment, it seemed as though the mountains themselves held their breath, waiting for his response.

“Thanks, Eryn.” The corner of his mouth twitched upward in a half-smile, a flicker of something more than gratitude in his eyes.

We continued our ascent, the silence now filled with unspoken understanding.

After a little while, Gray spoke up. “Here it is.”

The trail ended abruptly, giving way to a clearing that felt like a world apart. The sound of rushing water greeted us first, a gentle roar that seemed to echo the pounding of my heart. A fine mist hung in the air, casting a delicate veil over this hidden sanctuary.

“Gray, it's gorgeous,” I breathed out, unable to keep the awe from my voice as I gazed at the waterfall before us.

“Found it when I was about ten,” he said, a rare softness touching his voice. “It's always been my place to think.”

The waterfall was smaller than the one he took us to weeks ago, but its seclusion made it enchanting—a secret corner of the world untouched and pure. Water cascaded down moss-covered rocks, feeding into a crystal-clear pool that promised cool respite from the heat of the day. Lush greenery framed the oasis, leaves dancing in the gentle breeze.

“Come on,” Gray said, sliding off his horse with an ease that spoke of years spent living on this land. He turned to me, extending a hand to help me down. His touch sent a spark up my arm, setting every nerve alight.

I dismounted perfectly this time, but enjoyed his touch on me nonetheless. He tied the horses up and fed them each an apple he’d gotten from the saddle bags while I explored this little slice of heaven.

“I can’t get over that this is just hidden on your land.”

“It’s a special place.”

“It sure is.”

“You looked like you could use a break from all those renovations,” he suggested, his blue eyes crinkling at the corners. “And probably a break from all the fightin’ we’ve been doing.”

I laughed at that, nodding in agreement.

“Let’s get in the water. It’ll soothe those muscles.”

“Sounds perfect,” I said, feeling the weight of the past few weeks release from my shoulders.

I expected him to turn away, to give me privacy to undress, but he didn't. He simply stood there, a silent sentinel with a gaze that seemed to burn right through me.

With a boldness that surprised even myself, I slipped off my boots and socks, shrugged out of my shirt, and stepped out of my jeans. Before thinking too hard, I unhooked my bra and let it fall to the ground, watching Gray’s slackened jaw as his eyes scanned my body.

My fingers hovered at the waistband of my panties, and for a heartbeat, I hesitated under his intense gaze.

Then the wild, reckless part of me—the part that thrived on the electric tension between us—won out. I let my panties fall to the ground and stepped out of them, baring myself to the elements and to Gray's heated stare.

Without waiting for his reaction, I turned and ran towards the water, leaping in with a splash that scattered droplets like diamonds in the sunlight. The cool water enveloped me, a delicious shock to my system, and I emerged, laughing and breathless, my hair plastered to my head.

“Are you coming in or what, cowboy?” I called out, my voice teasing and light.

Gray's hat was in his hand now, and for a moment, he just watched me, a hungry look in his eyes. Then, with a determination that matched the set of his jaw, he began to strip down to his black boxer briefs. He approached the water's edge, the muscles in his arms and chest flexing in a way that made it hard for me to breathe.

Without taking his eyes off me, he pulled them down and kicked them away, standing in front of the sunlight like some sort of Roman statue come to life. Except this human statue had a long, thick cock that bobbed against his thigh. I actually salivated at the sight of him.

He hesitated for a moment, then dove into the water, sending ripples all around me. My heart raced as he surfaced, water streaming down his sculpted chest and back. The man was a breathtaking sight, all raw masculinity and untamed power.

I couldn't tear my gaze away as he swam closer, his eyes locked on mine with an intensity that made my breath catch in my throat. He stopped just inches away, treading water effortlessly as he reached out to tuck a loose strand of hair behind my ear. His touch was gentle, a stark contrast to the fire burning in his gaze.

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