Page 72 of Balancing Act

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Enzo's question hung in the air, and Gray's eyes flickered between us, the tension palpable. He sighed, running a hand through his short brown hair before finally speaking. “There's someone out there with a bone to pick, and they seem to think destroying property is the way to make their point.”

Enzo's brow furrowed in concern as he looked from Gray to me. “But why target Eryn? And how do you know it's not just a random act of vandalism?”

Gray's jaw hardened, his gaze steely as he spoke. “It's not random. They knew what they were doing when they targeted her air conditioner. Broke into the house and destroyed the furnace, too. Brand new equipment that just went in. It's a warning, a threat.”

“Yeah, thirty thousand dollars worth of threat.”

“Mi amore,” Enzo said, wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

I was comforted by having my friend here, but still felt a chill run down my spine at Gray's words, the reality of the situation sinking in deeper. “But who would want to threaten me like this? I've never had any enemies, only the usual type of weirdos everyone gets online.”

Gray’s face sharpened into a scowl. “What kind of weirdos?”

“You know, just random weird people who like to comment mean things or send creepy messages.”

“The fuck?”

“Oh, I have forgotten this cowboy does not use the internet,” Enzo said with a smirk. “I’ll give you a lesson, later.”

“Show me everything on Eryn’s account,” he replied.

Enzo stepped closer, his usual light-hearted demeanor replaced by a serious expression. “Eryn, sometimes envy can rear its ugly head in the most unexpected places. Your success, your fame, your happiness . . . it can make others resentful. But don't worry, we'll get to the bottom of this.”

Gray's gaze softened as he looked at me, his protective instincts kicking in. “We will. No one messes with what's mine.” His words were gruff but held a promise of unwavering support.

I felt a surge of gratitude for these two men standing by my side, ready to face whatever challenge came our way. “Thank you both,” I said, feeling the weight of their loyalty grounding me in the midst of chaos.

“Please come stay with me, though. It’ll make me feel better. Plus, you still only have one working bathroom.”

“Sold!” Enzo said, turning right back around to get into his car.

Gray smirked, an “I’ve won” expression on his face, but at least had the decency to kiss me in consolation.



After getting Eryn and Enzo settled at my place, I went down to check on Bella Blue, who was ready to foal any day now. The scent of hay and horses filled my senses as I stepped into the stables, the creaking of the wood underfoot a familiar comfort.

My gaze instinctively scanned the space, falling upon the muscled back of my brother Walker. He was grooming his favorite mare with gentle, practiced strokes, but it wasn’t the sight of him tending to the animal that snagged my attention—it was the stark white of a bandage wrapped around his hand.

“Hey,” I called out, my voice echoing against the high rafters, laced with a concern I couldn't mask. I closed the distance between us with measured steps, my boots kicking up dust that danced in the slats of sunlight. “What happened to your hand?”

Walker didn't turn to face me right away, his focus remaining on the mare’s sleek coat. When he did look over his shoulder, his light blue eyes met mine, and for a split second, I thought I saw something flicker there. But then it was gone, replaced by that easygoing smirk that always seemed to play on his lips—the one that made half the town swoon without effort.

“Ah, you know,” he drawled, finally facing me fully, “just a little mishap with some barbed wire. Nothing to write home about.”

I frowned, crossing my arms over my chest. His casual dismissal didn't sit right with me. The way he avoided my eyes told a story his words weren't sharing.

“Barbed wire, huh?” I pressed, narrowing my eyes at him. “You've been handling that stuff since you were knee-high to a grasshopper. So why the sudden accident? And where the hell have you been these past few days? You missed the Jenkins' order; had to cover for you myself.”

He shrugged, a lock of brown hair falling across his forehead. I could see the tension in his shoulders, the way he held himself ready to deflect whatever else I might throw his way. Walker was many things—charming, irresponsible at times—but he wasn't usually careless. Not with ranch work.

“Been around,” he replied, too vague for my liking. It was just like him to dodge a straight answer, but this time it was different. This time, I needed to know he wasn't slipping up when the stakes were getting higher each day for Red Downs.

“Listen,” I said, my tone softening despite my frustration. “I get that you're looking for . . . more. But disappearing acts aren't helping your case. If you want more responsibility, you gotta be present. Physically and otherwise.”

A flash of something crossed his expression, a mix of annoyance and something akin to longing, before he schooled his features back into that nonchalant mask.

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