Page 18 of Loving Gabe

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“They wanted me to date you instead of Gabriel,” I deadpan.

Bill gets a look of panic on his face. “What?” he says with his voice raising an octave.

“Well, they were hoping that you would give me babies right away,” I say innocently while blinking at him and rubbing my stomach for effect.

“Babies? What? Oh no, you belong with Gabe, definitely. He’s the baby making machine,” he says with his voice still high.

Gabe hides his face in my neck, but I can hear him snickering silently.

“B-but don’t you want to be a dad? I heard you said last week that you could imagine your own little rascal running around,” I say, still playing innocent.

“Nope, not for me, no way, no how,” he says shaking his head rapidly.

My mom lets out a laugh. “Okay Aubrey, let’s leave the poor guy alone.”

I let out a laugh, and Bill seems to relax when he realises that I’m joking.

I give Gabe a kiss before my mom pulls me into the kitchen, probably to find out all the details that none of the men would want to hear.

I hear laughter at Bill’s expense as we leave, and I smile knowing that everything is going to be alright.

Chapter Seven


Christmas is finally here, and this year was already better than any other year that I could remember.

I feel free and happy for the first time in a long time. Being with Aubrey is something that I always wanted but never thought I would have.

I breathe in the scent of Aubrey as she curls into me.

Her whole family is staying at their parents’ place. The place is big enough for all of us now that we had used some of our money to upgrade their house.

This year, Aubrey stayed with me and, after that day they found out, I all but pushed her brothers out the door. I locked the door and made sure that none of them would bother us until our Christmas at their home.

Aubrey stirs in my arms as she slowly wakes up. She finally looks up at me. I could definitely get used to that look on her face.

Like I am her entire world. Like she already is mine.

“Merry Christmas,” I say, my voice still thick from sleep.

“Merry Christmas,” she says, and she sits up and digs something from her suitcase.

“What are you doing?” I ask, looking at her curiously.

“Well, I’m getting your present,” she says in a “duh” tone.

I reach over to the nightstand and grab what I bought her a long time ago.

I saw it and immediately thought of her. I knew that I had to get it.

Aubrey turns around and hands me a box the same time that I hand her the one I got her.

Her eyes light up before she even opens it.

“Go ahead,” she says with excitement in her voice.

I open my gift and smile when I see that she had a photo of us on our last vacation to Hawaii. I have an arm wrapped around her and the beach is behind us. It was one her mom made us take. She does that every time we are on a holiday and I wonder if it’s because she knew how we felt about one another and knew that we would cherish these photos one day. The frame is engraved with Forever is a long time, but I wouldn’t mind spending it by your side.

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