Page 60 of Wolf Betrayed

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I dumped the ravioli cans into the bowl and popped it into the microwave. “We’re at the tourist town that’s about twenty-five miles from the pack.”

Sawyer rubbed his temple and said something under his breath. “We just got back to the pack. Dad’s ordered an entire search. He thinks there’s still people out there. How sure are you that you left a clean trail?”

My mind raced. We’d been careful. The water had taken us miles from the pack. But Mikey was a hound. He enjoyed the thrill of the hunt, and I had no doubt that he would find us eventually.

“We were careful. He shouldn’t have much to go on. I was planning on leaving this evening once it was dark.”

Sawyer’s expression grew even more severe, and it made my stomach knot. “Do it now. Dad’s lost his mind. He’s gone to the police and had them put out an APB on you. Our men are searching all the way up to the state line, and he expects to have you found tonight. Get as far away from here as you can before it’s too late.”

Sawyer disappeared so fast that Sloane stumbled and fell into the counter. She turned to me with a worried look.

We had to find a way out of here. The police and the pack would close any gaps between us fast.



Lincoln and I shared a long look. We didn’t even get to ask Sawyer any questions. He’d come and gone so fast.

My heart pounded at my sudden realization. He was being watched. That was the only explanation for his quick warning. The microwave beeped with our finished ravioli, making us both a jump.

Lincoln popped the door open, and the aroma of the cheap meat pasta filled the room. My mouth salivated and my stomach gurgled even though ravioli was nowhere near my favorite.

Lincoln pulled the steaming food out and handed a fork to me. “Eat up, and then we have to go.”

I jabbed one of the raviolis with my fork and popped it into my mouth, chewing slowly and grimacing when it was too hot. “Where are we going to go?”

We didn’t have any money, or any way to travel except on all four paws. A car would be way faster, but then there would be the police to contend with. What if they shut down the border and started checking cars?

Alpha Dane and his men could be along the state line waiting for us to run as wolves, then snatch us up.

Lincoln pressed his lips into a thin line. “We’re going to find a car. It’ll be better that way.”

I lifted a brow. “How are we going to get a car? What about the police?”

Lincoln speared a few raviolis, chewing quickly before grabbing some more. “The car will be easy. It’s something my dad teaches all of us, just in case. And I’m less worried about the police than I am the pack. We’re in the middle of nowhere. Even if they call for backup, I think we can move fast enough that they won’t matter.”

Right. Just in case. I guess this was going to be one of those scenarios.

Lincoln and I both shifted our gazes to the clock on the stove. It was still early, just before ten. But was it early enough for people to still be relaxing at home in bed? I guess we’d find out.

Lincoln pushed the bowl toward me. “You can finish this up.”

I shook my head. “No, you. It’s probably been longer since you had a real meal.”

He took one more ravioli and plopped it into his mouth before putting his fork in the sink. “I’ll grab us some snacks for the road. We can eat in the car.”

He went back to the cabinet and pulled out a few boxes of unopened cereal and some canned goods that had pull tabs.

Dread filled me. I didn’t like all this stealing, but I didn’t see what other choice we had.

I looked down at the floor and rubbed my big toe across the tile. “I suppose if we have to.”

Lincoln rinsed the bowl in the sink and turned off the water. “Sloane, we have to do what we have to do to get out of here. If we get the chance, I’ll make sure that we make it up to these people somehow. Can you go back upstairs and find us both some sweaters and maybe some shoes I could wear?”

I nodded and spun on my heel to race back up the stairs and down the hall to the master suite. I hit the dresser first, rummaging through to grab a few pairs of thick socks.

The closet was easier. All the sweaters were too big, so I just snatched a few off the hangers and a few things for Lincoln before hurrying back downstairs.
