Page 14 of Fracture

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I shake my head and keep watching. Landon has the nerve to wink at me and smirk as he yanks on the girl’s hair harder.

He’s so hot.

No, he’s not.

He starts moaning more and I can tell he’s close.

Ugh. I can’t watch another girl get him off. I just can’t.

I turn and walk away before I hear or see anything else. People now crowd the hallway and I elbow my way through until I finally find the bathroom. Good, I hope someone snaps a pic and shares it. Will serve him right for being such a pig.

Once inside I shut and lock the door and hurry to the toilet. It definitely looks like only guys live here, because the bathroom is grimy, including the toilet. The seat is up and there’s pee all over the rim and floor.

“Why are men so disgusting?” I ask out loud to myself. I hover over the seat and pee as fast as I can. I use the bottom of my shoe to flush the toilet and wash my hands with only hot water since there’s no soap in sight.

I check my reflection and see I’ve already sweat half my makeup off. Probably because there’s an ungodly amount of body heat in this house.

Or maybe it’s how hot you got watching Landon?

Shut up. I did not. It was gross.

I make a face at myself and storm out of the bathroom. I hate that I liked it so much. I hate that I stood there watching, unable to look away. If I was so disgusted, why couldn’t I just tear my eyes away from him? Why couldn’t I just walk away and forget the entire thing?

Why did it turn me on in the first place?

I need a drink. Stat.

I work my way through the throngs of people until I’m in the kitchen. There’s two large pitchers on the counter, one still half full, the other empty, and I wonder if it’s some kind of punch. Guess I’ll find out.

Setting out two cups, I pour Maia and I’s drinks. I lift one to my nose and sniff. A little fruity but not too much.

A small sip tells me it’s delicious and I drink more. Yummy.

I wonder what it is. Whoever mixed this sure knows how to make a good punch. I drink more and then refill my cup. A guy next to me nudges my arm. “Hey, save some for the rest of us, princess.”

“Relax, there’s plenty to go around. And I’m not your princess.”

“Chill, girl. I wasn’t trying to…”

The guy doesn’t finish his sentence because Landon steps between us. “All good?”

He doesn’t look at the idiot, just me.

I roll my eyes. “Who are you? My prince charming?”

“Well, considering you just made it pretty clear you’re not a princess, why the fuck would I be your price charming?”

I roll my eyes again and sigh.

“Keep rolling your eyes like that and they’ll get stuck.”

“What am I two?”

“I don’t know, are you?” He smirks and it pisses me off. “I take it you like my drink since you already went in for seconds?”

Of course he mixed it. Damn him and his bartending skills.

I ignore his question. I’m not about to feed his hungry overgrown ego.
