Page 36 of Fracture

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“He has some sort of gift with him. Just come on.”

“But I don’t see the point. We were barely friends before. Why bother with being friends now?”

“Weren’t you complaining about your cousin's wedding and needing a date? Why not use Landon?”

I get up from my bed and throw a hoodie on. “I’m not following any more of your ridiculous plans. Besides, I told you my sister and I are planning to skip it.”

“Okay, well at least go see what your gift is.”

I roll my eyes. “This is silly.” I walk out of my room with Len following close behind.

“Free shit isn’t silly.”

“It is when it comes from a douche canoe.”

“Douche canoe…that’s a new one. I like it, Ev.”

I toss her a menacing look over my shoulder before I walk into the living room.

Landon is sitting there with a large basket in his hand, complete with a huge bow on the top. “Ev, hey. I’ll be quick. I got you something.”

I cross my arms over my chest. “Why?”

He looks confused and he glances over my shoulder at Lennox. She must mouth something because he smiles and waves one hand towards the couch. “Sit and I’ll show you. I know clinicals have been rough so I thought you might need some cheering up.”

Before I sit, I turn around and shoot Lennox a murderous look.

She shrugs and smiles. “I can’t help it. I’m kind of in a romantic mood lately.”

“Ew.” I stick my tongue out at her and plop down on the couch. Holden and her just made it official and she’s been walking around with her head in romance land. Can’t say I blame her though, and she deserves it all. I’d be the same way if a guy treated me as well as Holden treats her.

Landon sits on the coffee table in front of me and leans forward. That’s when Len chooses to leave but not without her winking and grinning at both of us. I roll my eyes once again.

“Keep rolling them eyeballs and they’ll stay like that.” Landon says in a low voice.

“If I had a dollar for every time someone said that to me, I’d be rich. Get a new line.”

Landon smirks. “Someone’s feisty tonight. I like it.”

“You know, I think I’m going to go back to bed. Just leave the gift—”

He rests a hand on my knee but when he sees the look on my face, he quickly removes it. “Relax. It’s all jokes. Len told me how rough clinicals have been so I thought you might like a care basket. She helped me put it together.”

Ooh, she’s gonna hear something from me. Romantic Len is not my friend.

When he places the basket in my lap, I can’t help but smile from the first thing I notice sitting right on top. Butterscotch hard candies. My favorite. Especially when I’m working.

“So, you learned my favorite candy.”

“Len is a great friend. She knows you well.”

There’s a couple of pairs of fluffy socks in my favorite color red, a few face masks and pore strips, all my favorite brands. A couple of bags of Chex Mix and Pringles, some Melatonin gummies, and down at the very bottom, a new pair of nurse’s clogs, the expensive pair I’ve been wanting for a while now. They are decorated with stars and glitter, dark blues and red swirls.

This is amazing.

This is too much.

“Wow, Landon. This is…this is amazing. So thoughtful and sweet. But I can't accept this. I’m sorry.” I pile everything back into the basket. As much as I want it, I shouldn’t take it. It sends the wrong message.
