Page 37 of Fracture

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“What do you mean?” His face falls. “I got it for you.”

I avert my gaze to the floor instead of his sad expression. “You want to win me over with materialistic stuff again. I don’t want things from you Landon. I want a sincere apology. I want a friend who won’t lie to me. But as far as us being friends at this point, it’s not gonna happen. Cordial, sure. Friends, no.” I keep my voice nice and even, not wanting to come off snarky or bitchy. Which I’m not trying to be. I mean what I say. I just want to move on from all this drama. My life was fine without it.

“Damn, Ev. I’m not trying to win you over with stuff. I just wanted to cheer you up. And show you how sorry I am. Words aren’t enough to show how much I feel bad and want to make it up to you.”

“You can make it up to me without showering me with gifts.”

“How? You barely speak to me.”

I shrug. I can’t find anything to say because he’s right. I don’t give him many chances. And as much as the basket seems materialistic, at the same time, it is thoughtful. He took the time to find out what I needed and sought out every item. He could’ve just handed me money like he did last time.

Ugh. Why does my brain have to point out both sides? Can’t I just shut him out like I so badly want to?

A loud sigh escapes me. “The basket shows you mean it, alright? I’ll admit that. So, thank you.”

Landon smiles, a real happy smile for the first time tonight. “You’re welcome.”

“All it means is we’re on good terms. I’m all set with the fake dating crap.” I tell him, more to convince myself than anything else.

You know you can’t keep ignoring Mom’s texts, she’s never going to stop.

“Okay, I guess. I was going to see if you wanted to go with me to next week’s party at Club Lure, but I’ll have to—”

“Did you just say Club Lure?” C’mon, why did he have to say there? It’s a new club in town but it’s invite only. Lennox and I talked about how cool it would be to get invited, but we never thought it would happen. “How did your frat manage that?”

He winks and I ignore the way it sparks feelings inside me. “We’ve got connections. But I understand why you don’t want to. I’ll have to find someone else to ask. It doesn’t look good for us seniors to fly solo.”

Don’t do it, Ev. You know it’ll only blow up in your face like everything with Landon has.

“Is there a theme I need to be aware of?”

“Yep. Beach party.”

I cock my head to the side and study him. “For real?” I lean forward and wag my finger at him. “Because if I show up in a bikini and no one else is wearing a bathing suit, I’ll be pissed.”

He laughs and swats my finger away. “I’m dead serious. I’ll text Felix right now and show you.”

“Felix would take a bullet for you. Ask Keegan.”

“Keegan, huh? So, what, you attended a couple of parties and now you’re on a first name basis with everyone?”

“Not everyone. Just the important ones.” I wink.

Landon shakes his head and runs a hand through his hair, a habit I’ve noticed he does often. “You’re trouble. They always say watch out for the quiet ones.”

“Indeed, they do. So, you probably should.”

“Do you want to go with me or not? I heard Club Luxe is the shit.”

“Will you be making one of your drinks?”

“I’m not bartending that night, no. But I don’t see why I couldn’t whip one up for you beforehand.”

“Ah, the Mr. Nice Guy. I like this version of Landon.”

“This version? So, I have multiple versions now?”

“Maybe. But they all make up the whole you, right?”
