Page 49 of Fracture

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“We were never frenemies.”

She laughs and elbow me in the side. “Pssh, I still can’t stand you.”

I clutch my chest. “Ouch, Ev. You really do wound me deeply.”

She rolls her eyes in her usual Everleigh fashion and I can’t help but laugh. “So predictable.”

“Oh and like you’re not? How many times do you clutch your chest pretending to be hurt? If you don’t stop, maybe your hand will get stuck that way.”

I throw my head back in laughter. “Nice one. But it doesn’t work the same as rolling your eyes.”

“Oh whatever, it totally does. But honestly, I’m glad we had this talk and cleared the air.”

I nod. “Boundaries are set. Don’t worry, anyway. I don’t do love. Not now. Not ever. So enjoy what I’m throwing down, pookie bear.”

“Pookie bear? That’s the worst one yet!” Ev makes a gagging noise.

I snicker. “It’s perfect.”

“And no one said anything about love, mister.”

“Well you know how girls get, especially after sex for the first—”

“Trust me, there is no love.”

“Ouch again. Damn Ev, with the zingers.”

She punches me playfully. “Can’t handle it?”

“Oh you know I can, pookie bear.”

“Ew, stop!”

We joke around some more and then I drive us over to the frat house. We help set up the food and non-alcoholic drinks and then Ev helps me set up my little makeshift bar area on the kitchen island.

As our friends arrive, the drinks start flowing and the music starts bumping.

It’s the perfect night. We’re all having fun, laughing and dancing, bobbing for apples and hunting for candy around the house.

With the pressure gone and the boundaries more clear, Ev and I let loose with our friends and party our Halloween hearts out.

The next couple of months fly by. Classes, surfing, fraternity meetings, and every weekend busy with some type of event. Sunday’s my only day to reset and get my laundry done and yet I still find something else I need to do.

Everleigh has shown up for every single one, never once telling me she couldn’t go. The fake dating is more of a joke between us now and we have a fun time together. She helps me bartend, refilling my supplies when they get low, or cutting up lime wedges. We even create a drink together called the Fake Potion. It’s a huge hit and she wants to create more.

We tease and flirt and I have to admit she doesn’t annoy me nearly half as much as she did before. We’ve grown closer as friends and it’s honestly been a lot of fun.

The only thing I haven’t changed? My hookups. I still have them. I mean what can I say- I am a guy. I have needs. Everleigh and I aren’t anything, so what’s the big deal?

I do find myself seeking out the booty calls less and less. From having sex several times a week to now once or twice a week. I tell myself it’s because I’m busy or tired, the fraternity working us seniors hard. Or is it really the fact that I pretend every girl I’m fucking is Everleigh? Or that every time I close my eyes, all I see is her face?

Fuck, forget that thought. Pussy is pussy. Plain and simple.

But how would she feel if she knew? Would she care? Would I even care if she cares?

Whatever. I have no desire for any type of relationship and I can’t stop my human urges. I’ll fulfill them however I see fit because I don’t give a fuck.

My conversation with Rhett comes to mind and replays in my head.
