Page 55 of Fracture

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“I’m sorry, I don’t think this is gonna happen tonight.” I run a hand down my face and sigh. “I didn’t mean to waste your time. I’ll bring you home.”

She steps closer and places a hand on my chest. “It’s okay. Let’s take things slow. We have all night.” Her hand trails down my stomach and I stop her before she reaches my waist.

This is the closest I’ve gotten to her face to face, as she’s either on her knees sucking me off or I’m fucking her doggy style and not looking at her face. I don’t like it.

I walk towards the door. “Let me take you home. It’s getting late.”

“Late? We just got here. What the hell are you playing at, Landon? Why did you pick me up for nothing?”

“I didn’t intend for it to be nothing. I said I was sorry. Can we just go? We don’t need to make it more awkward than it already is.”

“It’s only awkward because you can’t get your dick up. Don’t worry about bringing me home. I’ll find a ride.” She storms past me and I follow her out of my apartment.

“Let me bring you home, it’s the least I can do.”

“No. How about we not make this more awkward than it already is?” She throws my own words back in my face and slams the front door.

I understand why she’s mad but what the fuck can I do? I had every intention of fucking her silly and my damn body wouldn’t cooperate. Do I know why my dick wouldn’t work? No. And it’s pissing me the fuck off.

All I wanted was to enjoy myself, blow load, and forget the everlasting battle going on in my head. But no, I couldn’t even have that.

You’re in over your head. What were you thinking?

That nothing would happen, that’s what.

I drag my sorry ass to the shower and stand there, letting the hot water pelt down on my head.

I don’t even know what to think anymore.

It’s Christmas Eve and my apartment is quiet. Only Rhett is here for the holiday break but he plans on working. He’s not big on holidays and I can’t say I blame him. I thought about heading home for the holidays but with my parents out of town, I figured it was pointless. It’s times like these that I wish I had a sibling.

I thumb through Netflix in hopes of finding a Christmas movie to watch but it’s all the same. Rhett will be home in an hour and maybe he’ll wanna go out. A drunken Christmas Eve is better than a lonely boring one.

My phone buzzes in my lap and I see a text from Everleigh. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t excited to see her name pop up on my screen.

Everleigh: Ummm hi- my mom kind of doesn’t believe me about the whole we’re dating thing. Would you be down to FaceTime? You don’t have to- it’s a ridiculous thing to ask, I know.

I laugh and as I my fingers begin to type out a response, my phone rings with an incoming FaceTime call. Everleigh flashes on my screen. I answer and wave. “Hey.”

“Oh, my God, I told you he’ll answer when he’s free, now please give me my phone back.” Everleigh says but I can’t see anything. It’s a black screen with some muffling but her voice is easy to recognize.

“Uh, are you sure you didn’t already call him?” Another female voice says and then the picture brightens and there’s a face now on the screen. “Yep, you did.” She waves and I wave back. “Hi, I’m Bella. Ev’s little sister. Let me get her, just a second.”

The screen goes dark again. There’s more rustling and also muffled voices like someone’s hand is covering the phone.

A few seconds pass and the video is bright once more. It’s Everleigh’s adorable face and she looks stressed. She’s trying to duck and hide but it doesn’t work. “Shit” she mutters. “I’m sorry I didn’t know she was calling until you answered. I’ll call you back later, ok?”

“No wait, it's okay. I have time to talk now if you want. I might be hitting the bar later with Rhett.”

“Ahh, sounds better than my plans.”

“I heard that!” Bella says in the background and Ev giggles.

It’s only been a few days since I last saw her and I missed hearing her laughter already. I can’t describe it, but the sound is one I love to hear.

Everleigh looks like she’s walking and then I see a door shut behind her. “I snuck off into another room. Fuck, my mom is a pain.”

“Uh oh. If you’re dropping the F bombs, then I know it’s serious.”
