Page 56 of Fracture

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“It is. I thought she’d be off my back but I swear she doesn’t believe me.”

“Put her on the phone. I’ll talk to her.”

“You don’t have to do that. You answered, that should be enough. And if it isn’t, oh well.”

“Ev, your night will go a lot smoother if I talk to her. Let me help you out like you always help me.”

She doesn’t say anything and I wonder what she’s thinking. Maybe it makes it all feel too real to her.

“I’ll see her at the wedding next month. Might as well get the introductions over with.”

She sighs. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. Hold on.”

I wait while she walks back to where her mom is.

“Mom? Did you want to meet him now?” Ev asks and I hear a loud clap.

“Oh yes, I’ve been waiting for this day.”

I snicker before her mom’s face comes into view and when it does, I plaster a large, warm smile on my face.

“This is Landon, the guy I’m dating. Landon, this is my mom, Tina.”

“Landon, oh it’s so nice to finally meet you. And aren’t you a handsome fella.”

“Mom,” Ev mutters and inside I’m dying with laughter.

“What? He is. Are you having a nice holiday so far?”

“Yes, ma’am. I’m sure you are too with both of your daughters at home.”

“Yes, I miss them so much when they aren’t here. A quiet house is sometimes too quiet.”

“I bet. I’m looking forward to meeting you in person next month. Everleigh tells me it’s going to be a big fancy affair.”

Tina laughs. “Oh just wait until you see. They hired a band and everything. Only the best for my sister’s kids, you know how that goes.”

“Alright, mom, Landon’s gotta get going soon. You’ll talk his ear off when you see him, I’m sure.”

“Oh honey, what’s the rush? We’re all enjoying the holiday together, right Landon?”

I chuckle. “Yes, and as much as I’d love to stay and talk more, I do need to get going as I’m meeting some friends for drinks.”

“Yes of course, it’s Christmas Eve after all. Okay, nice meeting you Landon. I look forward to seeing you again.” Tina waves and disappears from view. Ev pans the camera towards her and rolls her eyes. Bella is in hysterics behind her.

I don’t know what’s funnier, Ev being annoyed, or Bella finding the whole thing amusing.

Ev hurries away from them and disappears into the room she was before, once again shutting the door behind her. “Oh my God. I’m sorry.”

I’m laughing so hard my sides hurt. “Don’t be. This call has been fun.”

“Fun?” Ev screeches and then she too bursts into a fit of hysterical laughter. “Are you sure you want to come with me to the wedding? Because if you thought that was crazy, oh just you wait.”

“Ha, I’m not missing the fun.”

“I’m not so sure I would call it fun.”

“Thanks for the pick me up. It’s a little lonely around here.”
