Page 62 of Fracture

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I grin over the rim of my cup before I take a sip. “Thank you.”

I sit beside her and try to focus on the stand up comedian on the TV but I’d be lying if I said I heard any of the jokes. All I can think about is this beautiful girl beside me and wonder what the fuck has happened over these last few months. The more we hang out and spend time together, the more…

I shoot down the rest of my drink, wanting to escape my own thoughts but it doesn’t work. Of course it doesn’t. Maybe I can make conversation and keep my mind off how much I want to throw her down on the bed and ravish her.

My cock twitches at the thought. Fuck, how do I ignore this shit?

“Have you ever had a girlfriend before?” Ev asks.

Her question comes out of left field and throws me for a loop. I chuckle. “That’s a random question.”

She laughs and shrugs it off like it’s no big deal. “I was just curious. You don’t have to answer.” She puts her drink down on the nightstand. “Damn this strong drink.” She mutters to herself and laughs again.

“Have you ever had a boyfriend?”

“You can’t ask the same question without answering.”

“Who says?”

“Me.” She points at herself.

“You didn’t need to point, Pookie bear. I know what me means.”

“Shut up.” Ev pushes on my arm. “I just want to know more about you.”

“I don’t tell many people personal stuff, but I feel like I can trust you. I grew up kind of lonely, an only child with workaholic parents. I called my nanny mom more than my own mother. Anyways, I relied on my friends a lot to keep the loneliness away. When one of the most popular girls started paying me a lot of attention, I ate that shit up. Believed every word she said. Until I found her in bed with my best friend. She didn’t even love me, she only used me to get to him. He was never really a friend obviously if he climbed into bed with my girlfriend.”

“Ouch, Landon. I’m sorry. I thought my tale of sadness was bad but that’s worse.”

“It was awful. I almost dropped out of school. I hated how everyone took their side and wouldn’t even give me a chance. I wasn’t a douche back then either, that didn’t happen until after this. Anyway, I swore off love, pretty much swore off friendships for a while, had a lonely summer and came to Sierra Cove with an open yet very guarded mind.”

“I’m proud of you Landon. That’s a hard thing to go through especially without a lot of support. Makes sense why you wouldn’t want to be in a relationship.”

“I guess I’m not that much of a monster after all?”

“You never were a monster. Maybe a bit of an ass…”

I laugh. “Can’t deny it. Now it’s your turn to answer the question.”

“You know how my family is. Especially after witnessing tonight’s events. My cousin looked like a damn ice princess. But, yeah I had one boyfriend. Broke my heart too by cheating on me and walking into school with her on his arm one day without even telling me. Talk about mortifying.”

“Wow, what a dick. I’m sorry, Ev. You didn’t deserve that.”

“Thanks. Bella got me through. We spent many nights binging chick flicks and eating lots of ice cream. Told my mom I was having a really bad time of the month because of course my parents couldn’t know I had a boyfriend.”

“Did you ever get to hang out outside of school?”

“Not much. Unless I was able to sneak out but that wasn’t easy with my mom always snooping around.

“Your mom snoop? No way.” I grin.

“Oh believe me, that woman can snoop. And she can interrogate. Question after question until you finally crack. Scary.” Ev grimaces and it’s another face I find adorable.

“Your mom is not scary.” I chuckle and shake my head.

“Trying living with her.” Another grimace.

“You’re too cute with those faces.” I poke her.

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