Page 61 of Fracture

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I hesitate. I don’t want to ruin Bella’s night if she’s having fun but it’s so hard being near him sometimes. Especially when we’re drunk. I can’t let my guard down again.

“If you’re worried I want to hook up, that’s not what this is about. I enjoy your company, Ev.”

Ughh, must he be sweet right now? Where’s the Landon that always spouts some rude comment?

The look on his face is so sincere, I can’t say no. “Alright. You like true crime?”

“Ah, so that’s what you enjoy watching? Should I be worried?”

I laugh. “No. I also enjoy comedy.”

“Good, me too.” He pats the spot on the bed next to him.

I sit. “Thanks for a fun night.”

He looks at me and smiles. “You’re the reason it’s fun.”

His eyes are locked on mine and my heart beats faster.

When he finally looks away, his eyes drop to my lips and I inhale sharply. My insides go haywire.

How the hell am I supposed to resist him all night?

Chapter 16


I sit down at the little table in my hotel room and begin to unpack the bag I brought with drink supplies in it. “Would you like a drink, Ev?”

She’s sitting on my bed, still in her dress, heels kicked off and on the floor. Her hair is messy and her eyeliner is smudged but she looks more beautiful than she ever has before.

Fuck, how will I deny these feelings any longer?

Every time I see her, they feel stronger.

“Yes please. Which one are you making?”

“That’s for me to know and for you to find out.”

“Just a little hint?” She smiles at me and bats her eyelashes.

I laugh because she’s too damn adorable.


“You always say that as a hint. It’s not enough.”

“Why not?” I start mixing the ingredients I brought in the shaker cup.

“Most of the drinks you make are fruity, but they all still have their own unique flavor. It’s hard to describe.”

“I like the way you describe it. Unique.”

“It’s true. Your drinks are the best.”

It fills me with pride knowing she likes them. Her opinion is important to me. “Thanks. I really appreciate it.” I strain the mixture into two cups and garnish with a cherry.

I pass the cup to her and watch as she tries it. I already made a test batch last night so I know it’s delicious. She must agree because her face lights up. “Mmm, yummy. I knew it would be.”
